Kinde16mo ago

Enforcing permissions

https://kinde.com/docs/user-management/user-permissions/ talks about how to create permissions. How do I enforce these permissions in my frontend and backend API? I have a React frontend talking to a Python REST API.
Kinde Docs
Manage user permissions - User management - Help center
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2 Replies
MartinOP16mo ago
I think I worked this out. I can decode the JWT token on my backend. I have got this working. The JWT token passes through the org id and the permissions assigned to the user: https://kinde.com/docs/build/about-access-tokens/
Kinde Docs
Access tokens - Build on Kinde - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
onderay16mo ago
Hey @Martin awesome to hear that you were able to work it out. You are also correct in that Permissions for a user are tied to a particular org within your product. If we had a general guide/doc on how to use permissions within your application would that of helped?

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