Kinde3w ago

Constantly getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in production

Hello, when I login or sin up, I constantly get this page with ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. I deleted my cookies and tried on different navigators but I do not see the problem. Locally, everyhing is fine.
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57 Replies
CB_Kinde3w ago
Hi there. Can you share what SDK version or framework you are using?
MOP3w ago
Thanks for your answer I use next js the latest one I deployed on vercel my project
CB_Kinde3w ago
Thanks for the information. I have some suggestions and things for you to check. Make sure: - The domain you start the auth flow from matches the domain you are redirected to after auth completion - Your callback URLs in Kinde dashboard match your Vercel deployment URLs - Environment variables are not overridden in your Vercel project settings Another reason the infinite redirect can happen is when there's a mismatch between: - Your KINDE_SITE_URL and/or KINDE_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL - The actual domain you're using (e.g., your-app-projects.vercel.app) - The callback URL set in your Kinde dashboard For example, if you're using preview deployments, ensure your callback URLs in Kinde include the preview URL pattern (e.g., your-app-*.vercel.app/api/auth/kinde_callback). You can also try updating env variables dynamically by adding this to your next.config.js: /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { env: { KINDE_SITE_URL: process.env.KINDE_SITE_URL ?? https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}, KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL: process.env.KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL ?? https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}, KINDE_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL: process.env.KINDE_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL ?? https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}/dashboard } }; module.exports = nextConfig; Let us know if this helps
MOP3w ago
Hello thank you for your extensive answer
MOP3w ago
I followed step by step this tutorial of yours:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNuE7CkB6ck
How to deploy a Kinde Next.js app with Vercel
Software engineer Peter takes you through how to deploy a Kinde app using Vercel, and covers the common pitfalls involved. 00:00 - App demo 0:46 - Creating a project on Vercel 1:19 - Initialising Github repo 2:49 - Setting up environment variables on Vercel 4:00 - Deploying and visiting the app on the Vercel Domain 5:13 - Updating environment ...
MOP3w ago
And here are my values
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
The KINDE_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL: https://texxt-final.vercel.app/dashboard
Drive more sales to your location in seconds with SMS Marketing
MOP3w ago
it shows this:
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MOP3w ago
I deleted my cookies but it keeps getting the same problem Please if I could get an answer asap, it is for an importnt project thank you so much
MOP3w ago
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CB_Kinde3w ago
I will try to expedite, but we do have a queue of queries to attend to. Did you do a redeploy on Vercel after changing the variables? Also, which Kinde business is the one you have issues with - I see you have three. We need this info to help.
MOP3w ago
it is texxt.io Yes I did redeploy If you need more info do not hesitate
CB_Kinde3w ago
Okay, I'm putting in the queue to be picked up. We appreciate your patience.
Peteswah3w ago
Hey @M would you be able to share the route protection code for dashboard and the cookies under the application tab 🙂
MOP3w ago
Hello import { DashboardSideBar } from "@/app/(store)/(components-store)/DashboardSideBar"; import { redirect } from "next/navigation"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import prisma from "@/app/lib/db"; // Vérification si le user connecté existe sur la base de données, synchronisation entre Kinde et Supabase async function getData(email: string, id: string) { const store = await prisma.store.findUnique({ where: { id: id, }, select: { id: true, isSetUp: true, }, }); if (!store) { await prisma.store.create({ data: { id: id, email: email, name: "Default Store Name", // Placeholder pour le nom address: "Default Address", // Placeholder pour l'adresse primaryColor: "#FFFFFF", // Placeholder pour les couleurs secondaryColor: "#000000", logoUrl: "", phoneNumber: "000-000-0000", // Placeholder pour le numéro }, }); redirect("/set-up"); }else if(!store.isSetUp){ return redirect("/set-up"); }
} export default async function Layout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) { const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession(); const user = await getUser(); if (!user) { return redirect("/"); } await getData(user.email as string, user.id as string); return ( <div className="container flex-1 md:grid md:grid-cols-[200px_1fr] md:gap-12"> <DashboardSideBar /> <main className="mt-6 md:mt-0">{children}</main> </div> ); } This is the layout of the dashboard where all the logic regarding the sync between my database and Kinde is done And this is the page.tsx import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card"; import { Users, Star, Monitor, Clipboard } from "lucide-react"; export default function DashboardHome() { const cards = [ { title: "ELEMENT", icon: <Star />, link: "/dashboard/element", }, { title: "element", icon: <Users />, link: "/dashboard/element", }, { title: "Campaigns", icon: <Monitor />, link: "/dashboard/sendcampaign", }, { title: "Form", icon: <Clipboard />, link: "/dashboard/forms", }, ]; return ( <div className="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 gap-4 p-6"> {cards.map((card, index) => ( <a key={index} href={card.link} className="transform transition hover:scale-105" > <Card className="hover:shadow-lg cursor-pointer"> <CardHeader className="flex items-center space-x-4"> {card.icon} <CardTitle>{card.title}</CardTitle> </CardHeader> <CardContent> <p className="text-sm text-gray-500"> Click to view details about {card.title.toLowerCase()}. </p> </CardContent> </Card> </a> ))} </div> ); } If possible, I’d really appreciate a response ASAP, as I need to deploy my application by tomorrow and authentication is the only blocker. I used to work with Clerk but switched to Kinde for the simplicity. Everything works perfectly in local, so I’d be grateful for your support to get this resolved. Thank you very much😁 I deploy on vercel and here is the version of Kinde I use: kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs": "^2.4.6" For next js I use: next": "15.1.3", And react I use the version 19 I think If you need any more info please do not hesitate
Peteswah3w ago
Of course! Would you be able to send a screenshot of your cookies I just tried loggin in just now and it was working are you experiencing this issue on preview domains?
MOP3w ago
Thanks for your answer I cannot access to the /dashboard
Peteswah3w ago
Yep that's fair I noticed that
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
I logged in
Peteswah3w ago
yep that looks good to me, I have the same Do you think its the Layout page thats causing the redirect back to /
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
Locally it is fine import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import { isSetUp } from "@/app/actions/db/store"; export default async function Page() { const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession(); const user = await getUser(); if (await isSetUp()) { return redirect("/dashboard"); } else if (!user) { return redirect("/"); } return <SetupForm />; } import { DashboardSideBar } from "@/app/(store)/(components-store)/DashboardSideBar"; import { redirect } from "next/navigation"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import prisma from "@/app/lib/db"; // Vérification si le user connecté existe sur la base de données, synchronisation entre Kinde et Supabase async function getData(email: string, id: string) { const store = await prisma.store.findUnique({ where: { id: id, }, select: { id: true, isSetUp: true, }, }); if (!store) { await prisma.store.create({ data: { id: id, email: email, name: "Default Store Name", // Placeholder pour le nom address: "Default Address", // Placeholder pour l'adresse primaryColor: "#FFFFFF", // Placeholder pour les couleurs secondaryColor: "#000000", logoUrl: "", phoneNumber: "000-000-0000", // Placeholder pour le numéro }, }); redirect("/set-up"); }else if(!store.isSetUp){ return redirect("/set-up"); }
} export default async function Layout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode; }) { const { getUser } = getKindeServerSession(); const user = await getUser(); if (!user) { return redirect("/"); } await getData(user.email as string, user.id as string); return ( <div className="container flex-1 md:grid md:grid-cols-[200px_1fr] md:gap-12"> <DashboardSideBar /> <main className="mt-6 md:mt-0">{children}</main> </div> ); } These are the two only places where I redirect to the homepage
Peteswah3w ago
I see, are you able to check your DB to see if the prod users are being set up? it would be strange if
if (!user) {
return redirect("/");
if (!user) {
return redirect("/");
was firing, because the user is being loaded as a part of the avatar in the nav, can get the first letter of their name and the email
MOP3w ago
yes exaclty
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
But in my whole project, these are the only places
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
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Peteswah3w ago
seems like the auth is working because the cookies are being set to the correct domain, I think the issue must lie in /dashboard or /set-up, unfortunately i can't work it out by just looking at the code Would you be able to add some console logs? - dashboard layout console.log(user) before if(!user) - dashboard layout console.log("layout redirect") before redirect("/") - set-up console,.log("setup redirect") before redirect("/') that might help us debug
MOP3w ago
Okok I am doing that
Peteswah3w ago
also are you using middleware?
MOP3w ago
No I am not I followed this tutorial to set up kinde:
MOP3w ago
Jan Marshal
Create a SaaS Application with Next.js.14, Stripe, Kinde, Prisma, S...
🚀 Build a SaaS Application using Next.js 14, Stripe, Kinde, Prisma, Supabase, and Tailwind! Learn step-by-step and elevate your development skills. 🚀 Kinde Auth: https://dub.sh/xeU8r3v 👨🏻‍💻 GitHub Repository: https://www.janmarshal.com/courses/create-a-saas-application-with-next-js-14-stripe-kinde-prisma-supabase-and-tailwind 🌍 My Website: h...
MOP3w ago
I simply installed kinde
MOP3w ago
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MOP3w ago
And added this to my api
MOP3w ago
By the way I structured my folders in a certain way:
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MOP3w ago
The (customer) and (store) have a different globals.css and layout I don't know if it would be a factor but maybe I can share my repo if needed I deployed
MOP3w ago
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Peteswah3w ago
Ah man i wonder what is going on, I think sharing the repo might be the best here I dont think the layouts in customer and store should be an issue
MOP3w ago
Basically there is an infinite loop but I don't know from where
MOP3w ago
GitHub - MohamedDoubleFocus/texxt-final
Contribute to MohamedDoubleFocus/texxt-final development by creating an account on GitHub.
MOP3w ago
Here it is
Peteswah3w ago
ahh! looks like its's private
MOP3w ago
I juste made it public
Evan4d ago
Hi all, I Am getting pretty much identical issues from following a similar tutorial from the same person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ypZyGeJox8
Jan Marshal
Create a SaaS using Next.js, Kinde-Auth, Supabase, Prisma, Stripe, ...
Hey everyone, what's up 👋🏻 Today, you are going to build a multi-tenant blogging SaaS application using the best tech on the market. This includes Next.js 15, Kinde Auth, Supabase, Prisma, Stripe, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, Vercel, Conform, and much more. This is a full-stack tutorial, which means we will build everything from start to finish! 🚀...
Evan4d ago
GitHub - evanhill1989/bizBroker
Contribute to evanhill1989/bizBroker development by creating an account on GitHub.
Evan4d ago
This is all way over my head , but maybe you can find some patterns here that make sense. Screenshot of network requests from NOT WORKING production :
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Evan4d ago
Screenshot from the WORKING local requests :
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Evan4d ago
And I have tried these boilerplate fixes as best I can Still getting state mismatches i think, even with dynamic redirects
Evan4d ago
Here's something maybe... When I change KINDE_POST_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL to https://bizlists.vercel.app/noauthroute we jump out of the loop. Basically everything works for the production login flow up until the point where I'm invoking getKindeServerSession() a subsequent time when I redirect to a url that's going to need user information, which triggers another hit to Kinde which redirects to a url that needs user information which triggers a hit to Kinde which... Feels like there's an obvious fix here lol, but I'm just a front end idiot.
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CB_Kinde4d ago
I'll get Peter to jump back in 🙂
Evan3d ago
I am using middleware... My middleware.ts file: import { withAuth } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/middleware"; export default withAuth({ loginPage: "/api/auth/login", isReturnToCurrentPage: true, }); export const config = { matcher: ["/dashboard/:path*"], };

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