Kinde5mo ago

Only Signup page

Hi I am new to kinde I have a login and a signup form I want user to login via signup only I dont want login for that I have use RegisterLink component but is there any way to remove the "Already a account login " text from signup screen refer the below image https://jam.dev/c/b3286b5c-bb6c-45cc-bba6-bbf9ce8d5071
Jam | Console logs, network requests, and more
Click this link to see the screenshot on setoos.kinde.com, with console logs, network tab and device information.
8 Replies
Daniel_Kinde5mo ago
Great question, let me check how we can make this work for you. Have you seen you can build you're own sign in / sign up pages if you wanted also? https://kinde.com/docs/authentication-and-access/custom-authentication-pages/
Kinde Docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages - Authentication and access - Help...
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
Murtazak5mo ago
Yes thanks for that I have implemented custom signin using the tutorial video the issue i am facing is when I enter a page suppose in localhost:3000/download which is gated when I enter the url in browser kinde logn page is showing how to handle that I want to go to custom signin page i am sharing a video for reference https://www.loom.com/share/cd0bcda1557f48d6ac11dd62d524ff7b?sid=ee6261e3-852e-4565-a888-460cb56a2799 please help me with this
Daniel_Kinde5mo ago
Hi, thanks for the video, I am not quite following what its showing directly. When you press the button its directing to a /auth route? What are you expecting here?
Murtazak5mo ago
when I enter a url which is gated its take me to default kinde login screen I want to redirect to /auth i.e custom sign in screen
Daniel_Kinde5mo ago
I see, can I ask what SDK you're using please?
Murtazak5mo ago
I am using NextJS App Router SDK v2
Daniel_Kinde5mo ago
Thank you, how are you implementing the protected route?
Murtazak5mo ago
I am using the middleware using matcher
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