Give administrator access to all orgs

Hi all, Is there a way to give certain accounts access to ALL organisations, both existing and any newly created? Due to the nature of the app I'm writing, there will be a class of "Administrators" that should have access to all organisations within the app. Is this possible to set up without calling the management API every time an org is created?
7 Replies
Ages2w ago
Thanks for your question. Kinde does support a way to designate certain accounts with elevated privileges—often referred to as "global administrators" or "system administrators"—that automatically have access to all organizations, both existing and future ones. When an account is assigned this role, it bypasses the normal organization-level restrictions, so you don't need to update access for each new organization via the management API. If you haven't already, please verify that these accounts are assigned the global (or super) admin role through your administration panel or via our management API when creating the account. This built‑in role is designed to grant comprehensive access across your tenant. Alternatively, if you require a more customized solution, you could store a flag (for example, isGlobalAdmin) on the account and adjust your authorization logic to grant access to all organizations when this flag is present. This approach is secure when properly implemented and can be used to supplement the default roles. Let me know if you have any further questions or need additional guidance configuring global administrator access.
CB_Kinde2w ago
Hey @MALEV0L3NT can you clarify that you want these 'Administrators" to be added to each org when one is created? I think the answer above is a bit misleading as we do not have any such super admin role available out of the box. You will need to use the API route or possibly a webhook to add an admin user to an org when it is created.
Hi CB, Yeah so the use case is that I'm developing a system for a sole trader who works very closely with businesses he on-boards. Each business he works with is set up as a Kinde Organisation and he should be able to log in to every org
Ages2w ago
Thanks for clarifying. Will the Admin create the org? How will the org be created by you or by automation?
the admin will likely be creating the orgs
CB_Kinde7d ago
Then the admin just needs to be a user in your business and they can add themselves to every org they create. You could create a role for them that applies to each org as well.
This sounds interesting. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible for the business owner so I'm writing all my own logic within the app so he won't ever have to log into the kinde dashboard

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