Kinde•2mo ago

phone sign in, custom has changed

Something has changed, my custom phone log in routine is suddenly not working anymore. This is the result (image) before the user was shown the input token page I am triggering the page like this: $("#loginButton").click(function() { var loginUrl = "/register?connection_id=" + encodeURIComponent(connection_id) + "&login_hint=" + encodeURIComponent("phone:" + phoneE164 + ":" + country) + "&org_code=" + encodeURIComponent(org_code); window.location.href = loginUrl;
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26 Replies
onderay•2mo ago
Sorry to hear that this is not working for you. What Kinde SDK and version are you using? I assume you are using your own Twillio account? So once the user add their details and goes to try and log in, the error is thrown then?
C•2mo ago
No you miss the problem, catching the mobile number and contry on my own login page, and then sending to the sms page you provide with the https://docs.kinde.com/authenticate/custom-configurations/custom-authentication-pages/ It has been working for a year but last week, it does not work anymore, even if i send the info connection_id phone org_code the user is shown your input phone page, (the one in the screenshot) and has to input all info again (number and contry) and then everything works as inteded My call could be: https://dev.xxx.dk/register?connection_id=conn_xxxx&login_hint=phone%3A%2B45xxxxx%3ADK&org_code=org_xxxx SDK, latest: "@kinde-oss/kinde-nodejs-sdk": "github:kinde-oss/kinde-nodejs-sdk",
Kinde docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
onderay•2mo ago
Sorry for misunderstanding your setup and also that you are hitting this problem. I am going to need to wait until a team member is online in 12hrs to look into this.
C•2mo ago
Anything i can do to debug it further?
onderay•2mo ago
The team looked into it @C and you need to prefix with phone: on the login hint
C•2mo ago
but somthing changed? And iarent i doing that? $("#loginButton").click(function() { var loginUrl = "/register?connection_id=" + encodeURIComponent(connection_id) + "&login_hint=" + encodeURIComponent("phone:" + phoneE164 + ":" + country) + "&org_code=" + encodeURIComponent(org_code); window.location.href = loginUrl;
}); app.get("/login", kindeClient.login(), (req, res) => { return res.redirect("/"); });
Daniel_Kinde•2mo ago
Hi @C Could you send me example of a full generated register link please?
C•2mo ago
Sent it as dm Any update?
onderay•2mo ago
Sorry @C in the delay, the team is looking into what is happening for you. I am nudging them again today
C•2mo ago
Friendly nudge again, it has been working for months, suddenly stopped. Should we change anything in our end, or did you change something in your end?
Peteswah•2mo ago
Hey @C, sorry about that Daniel went on leave would you be able to send me the loginURL? This format worked for me: login_hint: "phone:+61 23412341243124",
C•2mo ago
But is anything changed? it has always worked like this: $(document).ready(function() { $("#loginButton").click(function() { var loginUrl = "/register?connection_id=" + encodeURIComponent(connection_id) + "&login_hint=" + encodeURIComponent("phone:" + phoneE164 + ":" + country) + "&org_code=" + encodeURIComponent(org_code); window.location.href = loginUrl;
}); $.get( "https://x.dk/status.html", function( data ) { $( "#globalStatus" ).html( data ); }); });
C•2mo ago
Kinde docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
C•2mo ago
i realy cant get this working anymore, what can i do for further debug? It has worked for months now, but suddenly stopped.
Daniel_Kinde•2mo ago
Hi @C Hi, Sorry I am back from leave and will follow up on this. I am checking deeper into this.
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