Custom Claims
Is it possible to add custom claims to a token? With Auth0 I’ve added profileComplete for example in my claims to let me know if I need to redirect to complete a profile.
Appreciate that’s a poor example and I’ll likely refactor but it’s just an example of a random claim.
Is this possible with Kinde?
4 Replies
Thought about deleting this but for anyone in the future it’s called a property in Kinde! Just spotted it
Hey @dillorscroft,
Sounds like you found the solution to add custom claims to a token.
Thanks for commenting here so others can find it.
I'll add a link to the docs here so others know where to find more details:
Kinde docs
About properties
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How can I retrieve these custom properties in a client component in NextJS?
Hey @dillorscroft,
Unfortunately I am not an expert on NextJS client component functionality. I would suggest asking in #⚡⏐ask-kinde-ai and if you are still having issues, please reach out here.