Kinde15mo ago

Search for user via provided_id via API?

On a backend microservice, I would like to be able to iterate my users table and pull down latest data in order to cache the user profile details with the most recent and update my table. To do this most effectively, I would need to be able to hit /api/v1/users with the provided_id matching the UUID from my users table. How can this be done?
17 Replies
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Hey @Zanoryt, Thanks for reaching out. I will discuss this with my team and get back to you.
ZanorytOP15mo ago
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Hi @Zanoryt, Are you able to elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? Do you want to store an up-to-date local user database that has all the user data information of your users in Kinde?
ZanorytOP15mo ago
I want to regularly associate existing users with their kinde id and details in the database
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
When you say "in the database" are you referring to your own database? Do you want to store the Kinde user ID (and other user details) in your own database?
ZanorytOP15mo ago
Yes, in my own existing database. That is right. I imported existing users into kinde and populated the provided_id already. Now, ongoing, I want to have a cron that looks for users in my db that do not have the kinde_id populated, and query kinde API using the provided_id (my db's user id) to backfill the kinde_id and additional details. Then, I want to regularly query to update those additional details (such as the picture url, and other things in the user profile).
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Hey @Zanoryt, Sounds like you want to keep your own user database in sync with Kinde's user database, is that right? If I am understanding you correctly it sounds like sign-up and a user details change webhook events would help you here? Is that right?
ZanorytOP15mo ago
Yes, that would!
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Noted. Let's say you receieved a new sign-up notification, would you go into Kinde and then add the provided_id of that user?
I want to regularly query to update those additional details (such as the picture url, and other things in the user profile).
Would you add those additional details against a user in Kinde or in your own user database?
ZanorytOP15mo ago
Two scenarios: 1) after initial import to Kinde, all provided_id are provided to Kinde, but the original database does not yet have kinde_id's (would be great to be able to filter on provided_id to get the kinde user object to backfill the DB) 2) new users sign up, using Kinde, a webhook calls backend API to register a user in the database (new user), or if a matching existing user (provided_id) but has a new authentication type. Just curious. Are the webhooks available now? Or is an API addition in the works?
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Sorry @Zanoryt, I forgot to reply to your message above. Thanks for explaining your scenarios. Webhooks is currently not available, but its on-track to be released early next month. API endpoints for webhooks is in the works. You can subscribe here to be notified when our webhooks feature is live. You can receive new sign-up event hooks through our Kinde Zapier app (which is currently in beta). If you would like access to this, please let me know.
ZanorytOP15mo ago
That would be great! Please 🙏
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde15mo ago
Hey @Zanoryt, You can now add the production Kinde Zapier app (currently invite only) to your Zapier account using the following url: https://zapier.com/developer/public-invite/184402/d344c8c1953343fed6b6f36df02e733d/ Also have a read of the following related doc: Zapier App - Event Hooks (Beta) This feature is in beta, so please give any feedback you have (the good, the bad and the ugly). Also, please reach out if you have any questions.
Kinde on Notion
Zapier App - Event Hooks (Beta) | Notion
Connect Zapier to Kinde
ZanorytOP15mo ago
Thanks! I've accepted
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde13mo ago
Awesome! Let us know if you have any questions. Hey @Zanoryt, Our webhooks feature is now available for beta testing. Do you want access to this feature?
ZanorytOP13mo ago
Hey! Yes please.
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde13mo ago
Hi @Zanoryt, Please fill out this form to request access to the Webhooks beta feature.

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