How to show signup page with expo-starter-kit?
At , the button below sends to the login page.
I tried to redirect instead to the signup / create account page by changing the
to register
and signup
but it didn't work.
What should I do to redirect customers to signup instead of login?
Or even better, is there an agnostic page that simply signs in if the account (email) exists and signs up if account (email) doesn't exist?GitHub
expo-starter-kit/app/index.tsx at main · kinde-starter-kits/expo-st...
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4 Replies
Hi Tito
Thanks for reach out. Could you confirm which version of the SDK you're using?
This is all i am using (basically taking from expo-starter-kit):
React Native SDK didn't work for me on expo (i think due to encrypted storage conflict in expo) and the expo sdk isn't really functional yet and didn't work for me.
If I use
prompt: "signup"
, it still goes to the same login page. If I use prompt: "register"
, it shows an error on the landing page.Hi Tito,
Thanks for providing the details. Let me replicate this issue on my end and see if I can reproduce the behavior. I'll get back to you with an update.
In the meantime, could you confirm if you're using a custom authorization URL in your Kinde settings? Sometimes, the prompt values depend on how the authentication flow is configured on Kinde's side.
i don't know what a custom authorization URL is, i am running something very close to the expo-starter-kit is my endpoint