Kinde16mo ago

Account connection support

Auth0 providing account connection that able to use multi-way to login same account, checked API and various docs, seems Kinde didn't implements this feature yet?
5 Replies
onderay16mo ago
Hey @neo thanks for checking Kinde out. Can you provide more details on what you are looking for? Are you able to define 'multi-way'?
neoOP16mo ago
sorry, for that poor explain. it was named 'account linking' in Auth0. check it https://auth0.com/docs/manage-users/user-accounts/user-account-linking
Auth0 Docs
User Account Linking
Understand how user accounts can be linked in Auth0 from various identity providers.
onderay16mo ago
Thanks for the link @neo. So currently Kinde can sync a users profile automatically if they use the same email address https://kinde.com/docs/user-management/#user-profiles-are-synced-to-kinde If they use different emails addresses we dont have a way sync the user together
Kinde Docs
About managing users - User management - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
neoOP16mo ago
As the Kinde document described some social login provider won't return email, so in this case will be regarded as two accounts wihout linking?
onderay16mo ago
Correct, unfortunately. But you might be able to avoid that using our new feature of token customisation? https://kinde.com/docs/build/token-customization/
Kinde Docs
Token customization - Build on Kinde - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.

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