Kinde15mo ago

Kinde not syncing details from Google

I'm using the Kinde API to create a user with an email address. I'm expecting that when the user signs in with a provide like Google that their name will be updated based on information from that provider. However, that doesn't appear to be happening. This is the user object which I get locally in my React application after completing sign in using Google:
"id": "kp_94e00f65d3e74df4842e95e7d0624b3e",
"given_name": "Unknown",
"family_name": "Unknown",
"email": "[email protected]",
"picture": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJwF02mU8qmpC7dzuUkTtekNHh5YwGDCNjRfvqGTkQoo53n=s96-c"
"id": "kp_94e00f65d3e74df4842e95e7d0624b3e",
"given_name": "Unknown",
"family_name": "Unknown",
"email": "[email protected]",
"picture": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocJwF02mU8qmpC7dzuUkTtekNHh5YwGDCNjRfvqGTkQoo53n=s96-c"
The picture has been populated from Google, but not the name information.
No description
10 Replies
MartinOP15mo ago
This screenshot shows that I've got sync turned on, and the Google login screen says that my name will be sent to Kinde:
No description
No description
MartinOP15mo ago
Also, if I create a user providing only their Email address, and they later sign in using a mechanism which doesn't provide their name (e.g. using https://kinde.com/docs/authentication-and-access/set-up-user-authentication/#passwordless-authentication), is there any support in Kinde for prompting the user for their name before they are allowed to sign in for the first time?
Kinde Docs
Set up user authentication - Authentication and access - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
onderay15mo ago
Sorry to see that you are seeing an issue here @Martin let me check with the team on what might be happening in the background and causing this
MartinOP15mo ago
Will you also get me an answer about my second question about prompting the user for their name before they are allowed to sign in for the first time?
onderay15mo ago
An update from our end @Martin not having a users name pull through via SSO was a weird one for certain edge cases, so a PR has been raised. We dont currently allow manual prompting for a users name. This automatically happens with password/passwordless and should be pulled through for all SSO. By us fixing the issue where the name was not coming through, would that solve your first name use case question?
MartinOP15mo ago
That's great news! I'm not seeing a prompt for name with a passwordless login. I wonder if this is because I'm pre-creating the user through the API? I create the user specifying only their email address, and I'd like Kinde to prompt for their name as part of their first login. Is this something that you do / could support? I'm pre-creating the user because I want to manage who can sign in rather than allowing anyone to sign in.
not having a users name pull through via SSO was a weird one for certain edge cases, so a PR has been raised
Can you let me know when this fix has been released? I'd love to test that this is now working.
onderay15mo ago
So our current flow is that if a user is provisoned before sign in for the first time, we dont ask for a first name as it is assumed that detail was provided when provisioned. Are you able to pass through the first name when you create the user via API? Team will look into adjusting the flow to force a first name to be collected, but it probably wont happen before the end of 2023. Will certainly let you know once the PR is out, I will touch base again on Monday about it
MartinOP15mo ago
Thanks for the clarification. I'll look into whether we can capture the name on our side. We'll be very interested in a future feature which allows for capturing user details (e.g. name) during first sign in after the user has been created.
onderay15mo ago
@Martin the PR has been deployed, that will ensure that a users name comes in when using a Social Login (dependent on the login provider).
MartinOP15mo ago
Thanks for the update!

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