Create Account Screen Displaying english text even though arabic language is set as default

Hi Team, I have two questions here : 1 - I am setting arabic language as default, but the create account screen displays the text in english, if its not translated yet, do you mind if i help on that? 2 - Is there a way to customize this screen fully same as the login screen or not? Thank you!!
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9 Replies
أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
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أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
Was checking the translation for that screen and i see it in the ar file "sign_in_page": { "page_title": "تسجيل الدخول | ${business_name}", "heading": "مرحبا بعودتك", "description": "سجل الدخول للمتابعة", "email_input_label": "البريد الإلكتروني", "email_input_error_invalid": "الرجاء إدخال بريد إلكتروني صحيح ", "email_input_error_required": "مطلوب بريد إلكتروني ", "email_input_error_invitation_mismatch": "يجب أن يتطابق البريد الإلكتروني مع البريد الذي تم إرسال رسالتك إليه", "email_input_error_no_account_found": "لم يتم العثور على حساب بهذا البريد الإلكتروني", "auth_form_error_no_auth_methods_enabled": "عذرًا، لا نرى وسيلة للتحقق من هويتك في الوقت الحالي", "continue_with_email_button": "المتابعة", "auth_block_separator": "أو ", "continue_with_social_provider_button": "المتابعة مع ${social_provider_name}", "continue_with_enterprise_provider_button": "المتابعة مع ${enterprise_provider_name}", "no_account_description": "ليس لديك حساب ؟", "no_account_link": "أنشئ واحد", "disclaimer": "من خلال المتابعة، فإنك توافق على سياساتنا", "disclaimer_terms_of_use_link": "الشروط", "disclaimer_privacy_link": "سياسة الخصوصية" }, Not sure why its not reflected on the UI
kinde-translations/ar-001/auth.json at 86dbbb3d1c028b6d76b57a06e0b8...
Translations for Kinde public facing screens. Contribute to kinde-oss/kinde-translations development by creating an account on GitHub.
أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
found the issue the ar translation miss this "account_not_found_page": { "page_title": "Account not found", "heading": "We can’t find your account", "description": "We just need a few more details to finalize your account.", "description_sign_ups_disabled": "Try using a different account or sign-in option", "description_social": "Do you want to create a new one with your ${social_provider_name} account?", "description_credential": "Do you want to create a new account with ${credential} now?", "continue_button": "Create account", "back_button": "Back to sign in", "sign_in_another_way_separator": "or", "sign_in_another_way_link": "sign in another way" }, Will prepare a PR for it
أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
Update standard arabic translations by rkefi · Pull Request #103 · ...
Explain your changes Create account screen is displaying english text as the arabic translation file is not covering all pages and labels. I've added the missing required sections and the v...
أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
@IkiTg07 not sure who to mention to get a review on the above PR Is there a specific process? as i see some open PRs on the repo for more than a week Would like to get this approved so i can finilize my Kinde setup for my project and deploy it to my server 🙏
IkiTg074mo ago
Hey. I'll let the team know. I don't know the process either but we insiders are directly in touch with them so maybe it'll speed up the process
Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde4mo ago
Hey @أبو زكريا, Thanks for making a PR for the additional translations. I will get this reviewed with my team. Apologies for not jumping on this earlier.
أبو زكريا
أبو زكرياOP4mo ago
Hey @Oli - Kinde Thanks a lot for merging the PR But when i was testing now logging in with twitter, i got this screen and i don't find any of this text in the english translation files So not sure how its managed and how i can get it in arabic too Also another question, is it possible to customize these screens with my own UI elements same like the custom login screen?
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Oli - Kinde
Oli - Kinde4mo ago
Hey @أبو زكريا,
Thanks a lot for merging the PR
I was about to get back to you. Seems like you beat me to it.
But when i was testing now logging in with twitter, i got this screen and i don't find any of this text in the english translation files So not sure how its managed and how i can get it in arabic too
Good question, let me get back to you on this.
Also another question, is it possible to customize these screens with my own UI elements same like the custom login screen?
We are currently building a feature where you can customize all the screens - you can be notified when this feature is live by subscribing here
Customized design for the sign in experience
Customized design for the sign in experience

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