Kinde5mo ago

linked auth

{ id: 'Kp_.....', email: undefined, family_name: 'falah', given_name: 'Mohammed', picture: 'https://.....', username: undefined, phone_number: undefined } why does linkedIn does not return the email
20 Replies
FalahOP5mo ago
@Andre @ Kinde can you help
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Hi @f6 try switching on the 'Trust emails' switch in the connection config.
CB_Kinde5mo ago
No description
FalahOP5mo ago
its switched on already. still the issue persists
No description
FalahOP5mo ago
any workaround @Claire_Kinde ? @Andre @ Kinde can you help?
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Did you just switch this on @f6 or was it already on when the example you provided returned no email? Switching this on is the only way I can see to pass the email into Kinde from LinkedIn. If this was not switched on already, can try to sign up a fresh user via LinkedIn to see if the change worked.
FalahOP5mo ago
this "sign up a fresh user" worked, Thanks @Claire_Kinde appreciate your response another questionn @Claire_Kinde I want to just login users not signin even if the user is new. is this anyhow possible?
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Hey @f6 can you clarify what you mean by this? Did you want all users to see the sign in screen, and new users are signed up automatically? E.g. there is no difference between sign in and sign up? If so, this might be what you are going for - what we call seamless sign up. Here's the doc on how to set it up. https://docs.kinde.com/authenticate/custom-configurations/authentication-experience/?r=search#create-a-unified-sign-up--registration-experience-seamless-sign-up
FalahOP5mo ago
this is exactly what i mean but with
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Ah, sorry I misunderstood. You want to do this with a social connection? i.e. Google. What is your aim in wanting this? Just trying to get a sense of what you might be needing to achieve? Social sign in is already very seamless as a method.
FalahOP5mo ago
whenever i try to create new account with social auth, it prompts with "We can’t find your account. Do you want to create a new one with your Google account?". just want to bypass this
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Ah gotcha. Try this: Go to Settings > Applications > View details on your application. Scroll to the Authentication experience section. Switch off the "Show 'Already have an account? Sign in' on registration page" option. Go to Design > Pages > Sign up and update the copy on the sign up page to cater for both the registration and sign in experience. If it doesn't work, I'll need to escalate to someone else and you won't have an answer til Monday. Assuming it's not a blocker right now?
FalahOP5mo ago
i think this approach is ngonna work with custom sign n sign up pages (social auth) right? it is a blocker, thanks
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Its not stopping people signing up. So I'm not able to put blocker urgency on it. It is a blocker for how you want people to sign in. So it will get attended to. Its an application level setting. Give it a go. Hey @f6 let me know if you were able to achieve what you wanted yet, if not I'll ping someone in the dev team to help.
FalahOP5mo ago
Another issue I'm using my own Login/Signup screen, still it takes to kinde login/signup screen
FalahOP5mo ago
No description
FalahOP5mo ago
No description
FalahOP5mo ago
<Button asChild variant={"outline"} className="space-x-2 w-full">
{type === "signup" ? (
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
) : (
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
<Button asChild variant={"outline"} className="space-x-2 w-full">
{type === "signup" ? (
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
) : (
`/${r}` ||
window.localStorage.getItem("currentBotDomain") ||
connection_id: process.env.KINDE_GOOGLE_CONNECTION_ID || "",
<GoogleLogo />
<span>Continue with Google</span>
CB_Kinde5mo ago
Have you followed all the steps in this doc? The switch does nothing on it's own, you have to do other config to use your own screens. E.g. they need to exist as designed in your app, then you can use the connection ID to plug in Kinde's backend experience. https://docs.kinde.com/authenticate/custom-configurations/custom-authentication-pages/?r=search#_top
Kinde docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
CB_Kinde5mo ago
We are happy to answer questions - but if you don't want to wait, always try the #⚡⏐ask-kinde-ai channel for a quick response.

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