Kinde•6mo ago

Token validation Azure prod

Hi, iam new @ programming. I have an application python backend en react vite frontend. Everything works fine locally. And also the api calls front end backend containers work. But when is fetch users it gets an 403 on Azure. I went to all the code etc etc. Bur i cant find it . I have a free account because of dev. But do i have ro do something on the Kinde side to get it to work on azure. I have all the url and logging in works. Kr Jos
1 Reply
JosOP•6mo ago
Hi sam thanks al lot. I will look into it. Yes the permission hive a 403 also because the token wont be accepted i think. Strange thing is that there is no problem logging in. Just when my backend sends a api request to get users out of the kinde. And local it works fine. I hope not i dont want to switch 😭 The thing i don’t understand is that a jws token is send from backend app on azure to Kinde and that wont work.? But from my local exact same code it will. So it has to go wrong with the token . This is the first app i made with authorisation like Kinde. So but thank you for your reactions. Do i have to make an Machine to machine (M2M) voor Azure? Because now i use the same for Azure as Local. I fixed it thanks

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