Kinde12mo ago

Migrating Applications from Auth0

We have applications listed in Auth0 from which we're looking to move from. I don't see the ability to carry over the ClientId / Secret to Kinde. Is this not possible? Do we have to create new Applications with new ClientIds?
3 Replies
onderay12mo ago
Unfortunately, yes, when migrating from Auth0 to Kinde, you will need to create new applications within Kinde and cannot directly carry over the Client ID and Client Secret from Auth0. Each application in Kinde will have its own unique app keys, including a new Client ID and Client Secret for back-end and machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. This is because app keys are credentials specific to the identity provider's system to ensure secure authentication and authorization processes. In your setup do you just have one application or multiple to migrate?
ryno1234.OP12mo ago
@Andre @ Kinde, in Auth0, applications were also responsible for the design / name of the client. Essentially we used applications in Auth0 as the combination of an Application + Organization in Kinde. Given that Kinde puts all the branding in the Organization, we could (maybe) have just 1 application, although I'm not sure that's the best idea for long term viability. We're a SaaS so every one of our clients has their own Application at the moment so in Kinde our plan was to have an Application + Organization to represent each client of ours. Would you tend to agree with this? Luckily we haven't used our Application Client IDs for anything. The only thing I think may have been effected is that it seems users might get re-prompted from Facebook to re-authorize the sign in. I saw that earlier today and didnt know if that was a side-effect of having a new Client ID for my Application.
onderay12mo ago
@ryno1234. thanks for explaining your use case in detail. 1. Could you expand further on what you mean by "design / name of the client"? Do each of your clients have completely different designs and domains? 2. Most of our customers who are B2B have one or two applications and use organizations to differentiate between clients. What would be the downside for you to just be using 1 application for all your clients from your understanding? As with Kinde, each Application has its own client ID and client secret. 3. The benefits of giving each client an Application in Kinde would be: you can customize the authentication options (SSO), token lifetimes, and token customization per client. We are in the process of building most of this same functionality into organizations over the next 90 days. 4. With the re-prompt, have you set up your own Facebook credentials in Kinde? Let me know if this helps you think through your use case, and we can jump on a call if that's better for you.

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