Post signup event trigger

I need to take a custom post signup action. Before moving to Kinde, we had a custom email/password based signup/authentication process. A new user is suppose to go through a survey before they can opt to signup to our platform. When the user finished the survey, its is saved in a database table and the survey_id was passed to the signup as contextual information (URL param). Upon successful signup, we check the existence of the survey_id and then associate the survey with the user just signed up. We are using Kinde email/password authentication (with Kinde provided UI screens). How can we achieve the same here (passing the survey_id) through Kinde signup process and trigger a custom post process on our side? We are using next.js 14 and Kine default signup/login screens.
3 Replies
onderay13mo ago
Awesome to hear that you are using Kinde now @fortune-hunter . 1. You could use your own screens at the start of the flow to achieve something similar to your existing setup. 2. You can store the survey_id in the user's session or local storage on the client side after they complete the survey and before they are redirected to the Kinde signup page. And In the next 24hrs we will be making live new functionality call 'Properties' that will allow you to store custom metadata against the user. So once they in your DB, you could add the data to the user's profile via the API. 3. Probbaly the last piece of the puzzle that you will need is Webhooks functionality. Which are very close to releasing in mid March. Let me know if I have correctly understood your use case
Kinde Docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages - Authentication and access - Help...
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kite-runnerOP13mo ago
Thanks for the response @Andre @ Kinde This is helpful. I was thinking of using local storage in the interim and your response confirmed that. Good to know the upcoming features.
onderay13mo ago
Awesome @fortune-hunter if you subscribe to the roadmap cards, you will know when the features are released.

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