Migration from Kinde

Is it possible if my application grows and I want to migrate from Kinde to another auth system somehow Auth0, Clerk, or to my own database somehow? Or am I tied by Kinde to use your auth? There is no migration method to another platform that would allow me to change if something happens to the platform or for project interests? Regards
5 Replies
Samuel Corsan
Samuel CorsanOP6mo ago
Another doubt is if at some point they will allow the email + OTP to use our own interfaces and pass it through some endpoint or prop the OTP that the user puts to see if it is correct, allowing large companies to create our own interfaces since their editor is not the most customizable.
onderay6mo ago
You are certainly not tied to using Kinde, you can export your data at any point - https://docs.kinde.com/manage-your-account/your-data/exporting-data/?r=search#_top including hashed passwords. Does this answer your question?
Kinde docs
Export your data
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onderay6mo ago
Currently, with Kinde, you can bring along your own auth pages apart from the ones that are input for sensitive data such as passwords and OTPs. https://docs.kinde.com/authenticate/custom-configurations/custom-authentication-pages/?r=search#_top We are currently building the ability to customise the HTML and CSS across all the pages - https://updates.kinde.com/board/custom-sign-in-up-page Or are you after the ability to do the auth flow completely via API?
Customized design for the sign in experience
Customized design for the sign in experience
Kinde docs
Custom sign-up and sign-in pages
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Samuel Corsan
Samuel CorsanOP5mo ago
Screens that remain securely hosted by Kinde Link to this section This feature lets you to bypass Kinde’s initial sign in screens, but the following screens are still hosted by Kinde and are part of our secure auth experience. Enter password or One-time password (OTP) screens (see example above) Multi-factor authentication screens The organization switcher (if you support multiple organizations) The screen where users can choose to create an account if one was not found ------- and this?
onderay5mo ago
They will be supported to be customised as part of the new feature https://updates.kinde.com/board/custom-sign-in-up-page
Customized design for the sign in experience
Customized design for the sign in experience

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