Expo React Native Env Vars

Hello, Is it safe for the following to be public env vars in my expo react native app? - KINDE_ISSUER_URL - KINDE_POST_CALLBACK_URL - KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL - KINDE_CLIENT_ID
Do not store sensitive info, such as private keys, in EXPO_PUBLIC_ variables. These variables will be visible in plain-text in your compiled application.
Do not store sensitive info, such as private keys, in EXPO_PUBLIC_ variables. These variables will be visible in plain-text in your compiled application.
Expo Documentation
Environment variables in Expo
Learn how to use environment variables in an Expo project.
2 Replies
isakwang8mo ago
You shouldn´t get any privileges by knowing the Client ID so there´s no obvious reason why you shouldn´t
Daniel_Kinde8mo ago
All these environment variables are public and ok so include.
Only only key's you should not share publically are ones which have the work "secret" in them. These should only be used on a backend service, expo does not fall within this category.

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