Created by jonericcook on 7/2/2024 in #💻┃support
Stripe integration
When you guys release your billing feature will we the users need to build our own pages for our users to visit to input their payment credentials or will you guys have screens for that? Similar to how you guys have pages for user sign up and log in.
4 replies
Created by jonericcook on 5/23/2024 in #💻┃support
Kinde SDK offline PWA
Is there a web sdk y’all offer that would be best for an offline first PWA?
14 replies
Created by jonericcook on 1/30/2024 in #💻┃support
Offline Usage of Kinde Auth
Hello, I will have a web app (react or nextjs) and a mobile app (ios and maybe later android). All the apps (mobile and web) will use Kinde auth and Kinde billing (when it released). I plan to have the user sign up on the web app and start a subscription (i dont want to deal with In-App Purchases in the apple app store). Once everything is done (user is signed up and they have an active subscription) I want them to be able to use their mobile app offline. I found this but wanted to come here and confirm my desired behavior is possible. Essentially, I want to allow the user to use the app offline for a set amount of time (maybe 5-7 days) and after that time I will force them to get an internet connection and re-authenticate. If in that window of time they canceled their subscription I want to block them from using the app.
4 replies
Created by jonericcook on 1/27/2024 in #💻┃support
Billing is integration with Stripe?
I just made an account with Kinde and saw the billing page. I am curious if this means you guys are integrating with Stripe? I'm building an app that is simple and just needs auth (Kinde) and subscriptions (Stripe). It would be amazing if I can get all that i need from you guys.
11 replies