Auth0 import - file too large
I'm looking to import from Auth0 but I'm getting a warning that my file is too large. I have 178K users (~70mb csv). No details on how large of a file I can upload. I imagine this isn't unheard of.
I can slim down the file and do this in batches, but figured you should be aware that this type of volume is not supported by the import and the response is somewhat useful, but lacking some key details.
4 Replies
Hi there. Apologies. We have recently updated our import doc to specify a file limit of 50MB. Looks like that wasn't updated in the Auth0 specific doc.
You should be able to get it done in 2 batches.
Kinde Docs
Import users in bulk - User management - Help center
Our developer tools provide everything you need to get started with Kinde.
Hope this helps. I'll get the docs updated.
Thank you. That resolved my issue.
Great. Let us know if you need any other help.