Kinde creates 2 identities when I try to signup an existing email using Google social connection

I first signup a user by manually inputting email + password, the user identity is created in Kinde. I then go signup again using google social connection and instead of recognizing it's an existing email and prompting for Kinde password, it instead creates a 2nd Kinde user identity with a separate kpId.. I would expect Kinde to not allow 2 identities with the same email. Is this a bug?
5 Replies
Yoshify2mo ago
Hi @DanielPuleio - I've just attempted to reproduce this with both Microsoft and Google connections but have been unable to do so, Kinde successfully detects and merges the identities. Do the users definitely share the same email address? If so do you have exact steps for reproduction?
DanielPuleioOP2mo ago
Hi @Yoshify correct it is the same email. Here is what I do 1. First I signup a new account using first name, last name + email 2. I enter verification code 3. I create a password 4. Kinde user is created and I get redirected back to my app 5. Then i logout 6. I signup a new account using Google social connection which uses the same email 7. It verifies my email since I am logged in with Google, but instead of recognizing the email it sends me to a page for creating password 8. It then creates a 2nd Kinde user and I am redirected to app
onderay2mo ago
A big thanks for detailing the flow @DanielPuleio Do you have profile sync turned on? Do you have this toggle turned on for your social connections?
Kinde docs
Add and manage social connections
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Kinde docs
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DanielPuleioOP2mo ago
Thank you @Andre @ Kinde seems that "Trust email addresses provided by this connection" was disabled. After enabling it sync began working.
onderay2mo ago
@DanielPuleio amazing, great to know it has been resolved for you

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