Logout url
Why when I log out it takes me to my custom domain log out page and not to the one I have in the allowed in the dashboard/the one I have in the env?

10 Replies
Hey are you in dev / prod ? Maybe where you've logged out you've passed a param for post logout link
Can you share the code where the logout is made ?
just a
Have you checked your prod env ?
Thone AI Bricker
Grow your community in weeks, not months
that is
its the main
of my SaaS
of my page
not the auth.thoneai.com/logged-out domain
which is where it is redirectingWhere you are redirected after a logout is defined by postLogoutUrl wherever in the logoutlink component or in your env variables so you have to check all these places
@DisamDev have you been able to resolve this?