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All posts for Homarr
Icon Change Ping
Icons not downloaded on install
Overseerr Issue
Search integration error
Network settings for apps
Proxmox integration error in 1.7.0
Page Title/ Logo removal?
Some Issues after upgrading to 1.x
Struggling with Plex Integration
PIng / Status Check
when those modules are at the bottomthe whole page shakes pretty violentlyhappened after the new u
pihole V6 and Homarr Dns Summary. Is it working for you?
How do i get this?
Application error: a server-side exception has occurred
Latest update broke my Homarr
After new update my board is completely gone
Double stats on widgets
Pi-hole V6 integration
Pings are red
System Health Monitor not displaying anything
Homarr really slow after migration to 1.5
URL address bar refresh when loading dashboard
Homarr Docker using network_mode: service:vpn
High disk usage
Problems after reset password
QNAP Integration
Nest way to update
Firefox error on v1.6.0
Issue with Sonarr Calendar Integration
Change API Key?
Integrations not working with docker setup
Migration issue.
New container showing default board, not my created ones.
Unraid: 500 - Internal Server Error.
Something to auto rebuild from source/update on my seedbox when it's updated on GitHub
Cannot for the life of me create bookmarks
Different url for the ping
Medias wont upload
Startup warning
Integration Proxmox SSL
Unable to start Homarr on Fedora Server 41 using docker compose
[SOLVED] OIDC keycloak with kerberos error code 502
Unable to create roles or change dashboard permissions when logged in as owner
Sonarr Integration Test Issue (Homarr 1.4.0)
Homarr installed as a docker. Integrations don't work
Finished setting up homarr and only default widgets are showing
V1 Backup/Restore?
Proxmox integration
API documentation broken?
Quick question
skip authentication on lan
Docker Connection Errors out
Homarr difference between and
Title name for Dash integration with the Monitor app
homarr location to update
Mobile view - URL redirect to apps?
Trying to upgrade to the latest version from 0.15.3 lxc
unraid error on fresh install
using API instead of username/password in Jellyfin integration
Restore old Homarr colors
Errors installing docker container
Homarr keeps logging me out
Make OIDC User Admin
Hide all Ping indicators
1.3.1 gives error when loading
Which version of Homarr??
Qbittorent integration not showing downloads
New installation won't show migrate page
download widget not updating realtime
Logo/Icon and Background Images
Custom CSS more detailed info/Unraid install
Homarr SSO W/ Zitadel
Homarr Update on TrueNAS Scale 24.10.2
Dash. and Synology with Homarr.
OpenMediaVault Integration Errors on CPU Temp
Open all items in categories missing...
Uncollapse categories...
How to get search to open new tab / window instead Homarr window?
PiHole failing to fetch
How to access other networks?
Problem with adding bookmarks
System Health Monitor
No apps, boards or integrations when trying to import to Homarr 1.0
OMV and Proxmox integration, 1.2.0
Changing the background and logo Homarr v1
SQL syntax error on fresh install /w external database
lost Secret Encryption Key truenas
Control vm's
How to make OIDC account an admin
Unraid Install Failures - 500 Internal Server Error
RSS Widget using v1.1.0 not accepting urls
upgraded to 1.1.0 errors
Getting 500 error on clean Unraid install with v1.1.0
OIDC error, message: 'self-signed certificate'
Fetch Failed
Duplicating Apps or Widgets
Is there any way to implement multiple instances of Jellyseerr?
Calendar Widget
Remove header on phone
Custom Re-size iFrame?
Reverse proxy issue?
Installation via Helm - 500 Internal Server Error
Failing to fetch CPU temperature from Dash. causes the system health monitoring widget to error
mysql "You have an error in your SQL syntax"
1.0 Proxmox Integration problem
Installation on Unraid - Nothing happens when I hit "Apply"
Problem migrating to 1.0
Can't find my secret key
Users can't set default home board
Proxmox configuration documentation incomplete?
500 internal Server Error
url integration
SSO Login Error
UNRAID code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL', input: '/appdata/db/db.sqlite' using mysql
Installing fresh hommar using docker compose
TRPC Client Error - Weather widget cannot fetch data
Immobile Entity state items
[Solved] left column unusable
High RAM usage with System Health Monitoring
Unraid install 1.0 issues
Installing Homarr on Railway
How to add a bookmark to a local website?
Still getting error with proxmox integration.
Upgrade from Version 1.0.0-beta.13 in Docker
FileZilla App Tile Giving a Parse Error
404 error on new /icons/pointer.svg
Plex App weird icon/ missing play, pause and resume icons?
homerr beta v1.0.0-beta.12 failing to start via docker
Home Assistant Widget
Cannot connect to Radarr, strange error message
Can't seem to get persistent storage working with Homarr..
category expand not showing correctly
"Migrate to 1.0" menu entry missing
“No supported Torrent clients found!”
separate line in application description
Jellyserr integration error.
Plex Integration - Has anyone gotten it to work? Other integrations working?
Can't get any information from all my apps
Updated container and cant login
Dash widget "Cannot acquire information from dash"
Unable to login (Database is readonly)
Can't get Sonarr to integrate with Calendar widget
OIDC oauth profile parse error
Updated Beta 1.0 to new beta version, didnt set up SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY prior.
after update homarr not working anymore
prowlarr integration error
iFrame module in v1 has scrollbar
Imported Docker Containers URL is incorrectly localhost.
Do the boards still have different mobile/desktop views or do I need to create separate boards?
Previous files cannot be imported in beta 1.0
Remove the search bar completely
Ping Problem
SABnzbd integration doesn't include user/password
How to disable analytics in Dockge
homarr connect to host
qBittorrent intergration not working
general problems
Failed to fetch Docker Container
Cannot pull the homarr beta
How do i make the tiles transparent ?
1.0.0-beta.5 adguard integration doesnt work
1.0 beta - docker integration not working
Redirect URI wrong Protocol
deploy failing after installation of v0.15.10
general questions about v1
Cannot get homarr v1.0.0-beta4 to start (permissions)
(Bata4) Wrong Port on doc & missing info
v1beta4 - Refreshing page causing widgets to break
v1 Beta - Server Error When Not Logged In
v1 Beta - Video & Stream Widget Finding no Source
Tiles Not Saving Properly in Beta
v1 Beta - Cannot use Reverse Proxy
Dash. Integration Not Working in Beta
Beta migration help
Unable to import data from migration
500 Internal Error | 1.0 Beta
Cannot open database
Calendar Widget Doesn't Recognize Sonarr
Download speed widget stopped working today
Need help configuring Media Server Widget
Proxmox System Health Monitoring Widget
Javascript no longer being executed has broken pretty much all iframes
Trying to add a background in my docker / unraid install
Make it sexy?
Homarr Quadlet
Proxmox Usage
Issue trying to install with Helm
Jellyseerr can't approve and decline
Is there a way to disable Auth on Homarr?
Multiple Proxmox Servers (unclustered) in Widget
Trying to start the container via Docker Compose and getting the following error message
Plex App & Media Server Tiles (w/Homarr Integration) - #plex-integration-with-homarr
Need help with custom CSS for transparency of tiles
Notebook Widgets/Tiles Disappearing
Internal DNS lookup troubles
Add Homarr as a "Web Page" as Dashboard in Home Assistant
Can't get DNS Hole Widgets to work with AdGuard
Trying to deploy with helm
AdGuard over HTTPS
Run homarr from modified version
Why is it recommended to use basic auth (either through Apache2 or NGINX)?
Pings and integrations through reverse proxy failing
How to change Font Size for all apps?
How to restore boards-config
Even after correct API key, it says "denied"
Trouble setting up LDAP sync
Login gets stuck
Indexer Manager Stuck Buffering?
The Jellyseerr integration is no longer showing pictures of new users.
Configurable Authentication Interval for Jellyfin Dashboard Widget?
I somehow have 2 integrations of SABnzbd
Adguard showing error
Updating Homarr using Portainer with Marious guide
Deploying stack on Portainer code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'
Category background becomes transparent when using background video or animated gif?
What is the owner group (AUTH_OIDC_OWNER_GROUP)
Opening board takes too long
iframe integration with grafana dashboard
OIDC 301 HTTP error
Graphics in Dashboard
PiHole Widget
Can't move categories above or below each other?
qbit issue
Can't edit media-server widget
Indexer widget doesn't work
NZBGet Integration Denied
Calendar Not loading Radarr/Sonarr info
Homarr + Caddy with locations
Customize Small, Medium, and Large pixel definitions?
Status checkers not being enabled
Home Assistant graph/history
How to access homarr through cloudflare?
Media Server/Download Speed Integrations Not Working
OIDC Groups and Role Definitions
Custom Widgets?
Slow loading?
testing this out but not linking to apps
Latest nightly Pi-hole version breaks API connection?
Media Requests Widget not updating
Can't remove category
Beszel vs Dash
Homarr can't connect to other local (docker hosted) servers. Dash. is not working either. Not working
Sabnzbd widget seems not to work
wake on lan
Can't remove category
Colors not changing
Cant Change the background.
Is there any way to open applications with a link (or something else from my board?
Plex - path breaks widget, no path breaks ping status
Blank System Health Monitoring window
Configuration options for OpenMediaVault integration
Version v0.15.4 is available. Current: v0.3.1
dashboard management
Incredibly slow loading for the past week
custom css or how tonmake ot nice
dash. widget via https
Home Assistant Integration - Entities Unavailable
Cosmetic/CSS help
[OIDC] Infinite redirects to homarr
[Solved][Synology Directory Server]
How to install on windows 10
Media transcoding info
[Synology] Cant create a new board and preferences is blank
Using docker secrets to specify OIDC client secret?
Temperature from proxmox?
Transferring from "Proxmox CT" to Synology NAS "Docker"
localhost:7575/api/auth/error?error=OAuthSignin from wan.
Proxmox integration not working with System health monitoring
Nginx reverse proxy poblem
Putting homarr in a subfolder
OIDC - redirect URI problem
Homarr dashboard keeps on stuck and loading.
Is there a way to import chrome bookmarks?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some')
OIDC not working for me with authentik
Weird spacing between categories
Authentik OIDC - Internal Server Error
Console messages rejecting cookies
System health axios error
I dont see any option to use dark mode in windows 10
how to change Internal address or External address
No options avaiable in user preferences
Add tiles without it affecting my board?
SSO on Bare Metal
Ping timeout
All works, but cant create a new board. Receiving: An unexpected error has occurred...
Cant change background
Problem with overseerr links
sso parameters
Where to find the Proxmox widget?
Is homarr good for my use case?
My integrations are not working
Automated Media Server, File Server and Minecraft Server?
Can't get Jellyseerr integration to work.
Proxmox Health Monitoring multiple Nodes (not in a cluster)
Proxmox Health Monitor, cannot format key
Disable the torrent option on the Homarr search bar
wallpaper and logo do not change or display
Changes not saving
Plex ping is not showing it online but the plex intergration works
Callback error whatever mentionned in authelia
Proxmox Health Monitoring Not Showing Uptime Stats?
how to stop showing 100% torrents when their seeding on Homarr?
cannot proxy swag authelia
power usage and temps
Notebook widget, theme sensitive. How?
comnecting authelia homarr
Can't ping containers, integrations (dashdot, torrent widgets) have stopped working.
Sudden time out
Custom 404 page?
How to stop showing 100% on torrent widget
homarr cant see other containers
Can I connect a external torrent client (from a separate machine) to my Homarr?
Status checker is red for apps behind traefik
Homarr cannot reach containers running on macvlans
Is the DNS disable timer already implemented or is it planned for v1.0?
Half of my apps suddenly went missing
Integrations and how they work
Use Caddy as the reverse proxy
Proxmox Health Monitoring Not Working
Dash . widget integration does not work
Plex Media Server widget stopped working
go to localhost
Background tiling
Weird design with categories
Integration for Adguard Home (as a Home Assistant OS Plugin)
How to change logo, favicon and background ?
Incorrect time
Feature request
Ping check not working in dashboard
Is there any way to add a System Health Monitor
Help with Authentik
Pihole widget issue
dash. don't work
OIDC Auth - Stop updating roles?
Proxmox Integration & System health monitoring (NaN%)
Local files and folders
unable to log on
Unable to login to dash on android TV
Widgets move around/overlap
How to import old configuration?
TrueNAS doesn't seem to be working properly on tile.
ProxMox Integration NaN% CPU and RAM
OIDC/Authentik configuration issues
what am i oing wrong ?
Weather app
Issues with Plex ping and integration
Radarr & Sonarr Ping
Container widgets not connnecting to containers
Github Registry for Homarr
accessible address but red dot
help with homarr in windows 11
Torrent widget
How to configure rights on Dashboard ?
Dashdot Widget Issues on iPhone
Weather Widget not Working (TrueNAS Scale)
Full Screen / Zoom Issue
Can't set up my first integration! Sonarr not linking
links to docker apps dont work
How to retrieve username?
Bad Request: 400 (denied) Jackett
Reset admin Password on Bare Metal Installation
Change icon tab
Random fail after trying out oidc
System info disapear after 5sec.
using 2 different (non-cluster) proxmox servers in system health monitoring
Oicd groups not working
Homarr failing to update applications and widget
Cant get to my Dashboard
Homarr cant see qbit
none of my widgets seem to work.
Slow Loading Applications & Widgets
Proxmox integration setup problems
anything else except the auth page is shown as not secure from my browsers.
Steps to backup dashboard using Unraid
OK, absolute Homarr/Truenas noob here. How do I access where I put a new background image?
Create Tile - Error
smtp server
Home Assistant automation
Online icons aren't loading (docker-compose)
Deluge not loading
qBittorrent always gives a Timeout error
Not able to Launch
Internal server error. Cannot access after install.
Integrations too slow to load
New Setup- No Icons appear at all?
Double plex icon on bottom right of media server widget, normal or no?
How to view logs (Proxmox)
how to disable Logo and favicon?
Issue with Plex tile and Media Server widget
Torrent Widget not looking "correct"
OIDC keycloak logout issue
Qbittorrent issue
Some applications are unable to get pinged - I am using a local domain in HTTPS
api authorization
Problems with Active Directory
Sonarr Intergration in Calendar
Apps jumping around in mobile (small) view
problem with the design
qbittorrent app won't open web UI
message: `Unexpected token 'I', "Internal S"... is not valid JSON`
Pi-hole Installed on Different Device
Is Calibre Interactions possible for their status icon to work?
Looking for the following intertgrations
Help finishing my widget
App url with env interpolation
dash. doesnt display graphs on a fresh install
Proxmox integration issue, Dev branch
Homarr Lagging
Weather not pinging.
Detected Protocol Downgrade
background not working for me
Nothing loading during setup process
Cant start the project
Cant get server stats to work
cannot find proxmox intergration
Losing all saved api's for services
Using a non-standard protocol. This may require pre-installed applications and can introduce securit
400 bad request ping on Jackett
Storage Widget
No supported Torrent clients found
Having trouble getting homar to connect with Home Assistant
Coloums in large size doesn't change when Enable left and Right sidebar
Show docker containers with start/stop on board?
dash graphs not showing
Can't log in using my password when connecting through Nginx Proxy Manager
Unexpected error after updating to recent version from one before user accounts exists
On update, it makes me re-make a user account
Can't update homarr container
Issue with python password encryption
Ping Status Checker / Internal Address
SABnzbd ping time out
why is calendar showing the boys 3/4? any ideas? releases in june only tracking s4
Homarr Portainer installation
How to go into a "Allow anonymous" board?
Figuring out opening links in same tab and firefox
How do I restrict access to a board to specific user
No supported torrent, even tho qbit is integrated
Error after updating (not sure which tag to assign to it)
Not able to get Add Guard integrated
Changing category widths?
Somehow, while configuring OIDC, my OWNER account ended up... gone?!
LDAP: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dn')
Media Server Widget is broken.
Failed to fetch icons from repository 'GitHub'
homarr stopped working
Deployed to k3s cluster running Traefik, IngressRoute only partially works; 404s on /onboard
What encryption is being used to encrypt the password
Homarr not loading / SABnzbd not working
LDAP: Credential Window Missing
AdGuard home integration
Some Widgets not working
Is it possible to use Plex auth for users to log into Homarr? Similarly to how Overseerr does.
error cpu and ram
Homarr goes down after ~10 minutes
Integrations Not Working
Index Manager
Share Calendar on Board without Showing Radarr/Sonarr
solid background color?
Homarr Stuck on Welcome Screen after update
Open AI Link
Guide: Plex setup
Disable internal Auth and use SSO
Sometimes cursor gets stuck in the dash. preview
Changing the order of apps in the left sidebar ruins other views
Cant resize indexer monitor widget in mobile interface
Entra/Azure SSO
ODIC also works with authentik
Bitcoin Price iframe?
how do I recreate this setup from
Weird JS script in Homarr
Docker on public board
Homarr can't ping a couple services
How do I find my username?
Video widget
Fresh RSS in Homarr feed
Deadlink on documentation
Remote docker
After upgrading I get an unexpected client side error and a database related error in console
Docker icon missing on dashboard page after 0.14.5 update
VPN Status
Unable to get logo to show up.
how to change port when building from source?
Internal Server Error (ERR_INVALID_URL)
Home Assistant connected but cannot get entity
Adding Notebook Widget Crashes Session
Changing from english to norwegian crashes homarr: Internal server error
rss update interval, possibly more frequent updates?
Problem with connecting traefik reverse proxy to Homarr
Dashboard keeps resetting
Empty Config Folder
PiHole widget not displaying information
Cannot add tiles
Sonarr/Radarr Integration
Strange behavior on a fresh install
Dashboard widgets not showing
Issue with all the widgets not working. When clicking they show link for local user then the port.
Just updated container to latest version 1.14 Docker container now unhealthy and unable to access GU
RSS Feed
Plex Server Widget Setup.
Problems with autofill
Gap on iOS 17
widgets not showing as online after recent homarr update
Dash Integration Missing Graphs
Tautulli / Truenas ping failing, http not supported, expected https
Issue with some Pings
Reduce row height
integration issues
Plex Widget Not Working
Cannot continue with account creation
Consistently "unhealthy" status on portainer
Is it possible to not have a logo on a tile?
Cannot login to demo site
qBittorrent icon doesn't work anymore
Unable to get Home Assistant entity state
Media Request Widget not working with Overseer
merging homarr with my nextjs app
Media Player Widget not working
AdGuard Home Widget Configuration
Connecting Sonarr and Radarr to the Calendar
Changing Default Theme
Deluge Auth Failed
Pings not working
Homarr Jellyfin Widget
the torrent widget looks weird
my torrent not working
Pi Hole Raspberry Pi and Unraid
Set opacity of apps
Download Station in Homarr as widget
Status Checking Error With Sites With No Origin SSL Certificate
homarr dosent work
Plex with Synology bridge network
Errors when starting the docker container
Remove requirement to auth
CSS Help for nooblet
How do I add docker/container manager and the integrations to my dashboard with Synology DSM 7.2.1?
Sonarr Items Not Showing In Calendar
Can't proceed through onboarding since deleting configuration to reset password
user images not working on Home Assistant Install
Widget that can display weather information including precipitation?
qBittorrent and PiHole integrations not working.
Fresh Install - Error [TRPCClientError]: no such table: user
Looping db check when installing via docker compose
AdGuard Integration Not-Working?
Changing PWA Icon Source?
Nothing saves even after editing stuff on the board
Disable torrents in search bar
Local images for Background
Media server integration not working
Calendar widget not working
Mapping port 80:7575
iFrame iussue
SABnzbd integration won't load
Docker Integration
plex integration
PiHole widgets / integration
video stream not working
Can't Save
widgets hop around
Raspberry Pi 1 Rev B
cannot restart
Installation on bare metal
icons & background
qBittorrent widgets not working (docker)
Ping for Truenas Scale server returns 422 error
qBittorrent widgets not working (UnRaid)
Emby Support - planned?
logos wont appear
Torrent widget not detecting qbit since upgrade
Client: TODO Status Code: 401
Dash. Show information about docker resources only
docker or homarr issue?
can’t configure anything
Help troubleshooting video stream - stops after a few seconds
Can't install Homarr on Docker
Users and dashboards
IP cams Pop up design?
Wigets Plex & Usenet on Unraid
Docker integration
homarr error after update
public dashboard no password
Sabnzbd widget that lives on my Seedbox
qBittorrent stopped working
Intergrations Not Working
How do I reset my username/password?
How to hide the search bar in v0.14.1
icon/background not working
User avatars
widgets and integration
Unable to connect
Clock widget syncs with only local time.
PWA Icons
Failures building from source
Can't delete default item
Integrations and ping not working on same host
homepage start/stop docker
Favicon will not change
Plex Now Playing Shows Nothing
Homarr updated to 0.14.1 - lost my previous dashboard
Doplarr App and URL vs IP Address
Torrent integration not working
dashboard widgets wont load due to nzbget
unable to access jellyfin, sonarr, etc
How can anonymous users actually see the anonymous board?
Plex integration issues
Login Screen personalization
Url does not go to default dashboard
docker wont connect
Kapa test
Cannot close the "Welcome to Homarr" text box. The settings cog is under the edit button.
Unsplash background low quality
Desktop vs Mobile
Plex Integration Help
Customize board - Erroring
not woking when i update :cry:
Default board / page is unresponsive. v0.14.0
Forgot to save user info
Unable to change homepage logo
Can't upload old dashboard .json
error message `Unexpected token 'I', "Internal S"... is not valid JSON`
Widgets for AdGuard and Pi-Hole
How do i import Config from previous instance ?
Cannot backup / restore backup anymore ?
Custom Background
My dashboard is visible without connexion, thow it shoudl't
Issue with Adguard Home and Homarr
An unexpected error has occurred
v0.14 broken on podman?
Customize board error
Installation problem
neu Version 0.14 login
Default board is not private
How do I clear cache in .14?
Download/Upload Config
don't work after update.
Cannot fetch city or icons
Help troubleshooting Homarr networking
transmission - torrent and download widget problems
Grafana Panels Don't Load (locally or publicaly) - "Too Many Redirects"
Problem with QBittorrent communicating with the Torrent and Download Speed widgets
Recommended way to install on a Raspberry Pi.
Icons not loading
Widget Problems with QBittorrent
image scaling in iframes
My homarr container seems to have no internet.
PiHole Image not working
Plex Integration Help
plex showing as red but is working
Unmanic Intergration
Clock timezone bug
AdGuard DNS Summary no Data
plex integration
possible to disable protocol downgrade warning dash. ?
All external stuff giving Ping timed out
Just going to host:7575 leads to 404 when not logged in
new widgets
login issue
Cant find integrations tab
An unexpected error has occurred
qBittorent connection issues
Overseerr - No requests found
The DEV version management password is reset
Unauthorized: 401 denied
Fix settings popup incorrect position
Build from source issues
iframe redirected you too many times.
Creating my own icons
Transmission 3.00 (Ubuntu 22.04.3) Connection Not Working
Homarr not storing edits
Portainer docker socket
Transmission giving a 403 (forbidden) error
download speed widget not working
Custom CSS to hide header but keep the right side
How to configure Homarr
Any way to freeze the grid?
Pi Hole Error
YouTube support for VideoJS
Integrations not connecting
Plex Intergration not working.
Alternate Docker folder location
Dashdot not showing everything
None of my widgets are working
Portainer edit password variable
SABnzbd intergration wont accept API Key
Homarr Background
Torrent integration says no supported client found
Cannot get Plex integrations to work!
Can't get integrations working.
Homarr Calendar
Homarr Header Elements cause "TypeError" soft error
Homarr-Plex Stats
"ECONNRESET" all the bugs!
dash https
Ombi Support?
Local IP input but I still get red dot connection?
Internal Server Error
Change default appearance of app icon
Can't build with yarn
Torrent widget only displays "> 1 days" for any ETA greater than 1 day
Couple of problems
Cannot fetch icons/location from cities
Unable to write to config
About css
Integrations not working
Torrent Widget not recognising qbittorrent.
Is there a way to fix sidebar and app category not starting at the same height?
Tautulli Ping Error
Plex integration not working
checkmk graph
dashdot widget not showing (Nginx + CloudFlare)
Dash. widget doesnt work when dash. is in docker or i am doing something wrong
integrations not working
JSON Parse unexpected Character
App not found
Integrations widgets broken after removing "Welcome to Homarr" Category
Crypto Ticker?
Plex App using unRAID
Widget not working (Plex & Overseerr)
Usenet widget (for sabnzb) showing error
how to add password using docker-compose.yml file?
Can't change size as top of scroll bar missing
Cloudflare Access/Zero Trust
Adguard Widgets just refreshing no data?
Network issue?
Dev Showing Production
Display dash graphic
custom API integration
Homarr installed via docker compose but not showing other docker containers via docker intergration
Can't find config files
Where do I put my own logo file? Is there a path to /imgs/logo/
RSS Order
Adguard home integration failure
Where can I find Discord webhooks?
Import Config from previous instance
Enable pings not selectable
iFrame Can't make it the size I want
Poster Images
404 Error after updating
Other users
NZBGet shows up as icon in download speed but isn't being reflected. Icon still red.
Categories have inconsisstent spacing between them
Docker.sock location on Mac server
Error Updating with Promox helper script
How do you guys add background on Homarr ?
502 Bad Gateway
Jellyseerr search error
AdGuard Issues
Kubernetes statistics
bug change config - lost information torrent
Tranmission widget ?
Integrations in Widgets rather than apps
Homarr access to docker images on tuenas scale. (mounting socket)
Dash. network widget displaying incorrect activity.
Media Server widget not showing any active sessions?
online icon broken
Error: `sharp is required to be installed for image optimization`
Suddenly Internal server error
qBittorrent - Ping timed out
Looking for some help with Media Server Widget (Plex integration) and Download Speed widget (nzbget)
ngnix-ingress-controller issue
stuck on docker integration
DNS hole controls do nothing
overseerr and requests
Can't update Homarr?
Date and Time + Weather do not fit correctly inside sidebar
after update some logos not resized
Weather and Dash Widgets take Long to Load
Nextcloud: routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
Can't install Turbo dependency on Raspberry Pi running ArmbianOS (armv7l)
Search bar with overseerr
bazarr online indicator
really odd pihole control height
Media request widget issue
Could I host Homarr publicly?
Tile scrollbar in 0.13.1
Status Indicators Missing
Homarr container not working on 32k page size system.
Add Hungarian Language translate option at Crowdin
Same app not ping-able from different configs
Application Error
issues after update 0.13.0
Dash. can't connect
Sonarr & Radarr api 4 both doesnt show up in calendar
RSS Widget
Transmission Username and Password
can't login after server reboot
server terminal from the homarr Dashboard
Issue with seeing Sonarr show images
side bar error on mobile
Yap! 401 (Yet Anothe Plex 401 error)
Nzbget integration
Error with PiHole dashboard after update to 0.13.0.
First time install and I am stuck in the migration loop.
link App to Widget
Can't get plex now playing widget to work
Typing anything in Internal Address overwrites the External Address
How to setup a custom background
Homarr Installation
Homarr cannot connect to Transmission
Connecting multiple servers with dashdot/Reverse Proxying with nginx
Help getting homarr intergrate to docker on windows server
Dark Mode perma?
Open Apps in same window
How do I mount the docker socket to Homarr using Portainer?
Error with Overseerr integration
Categories wont move up/down, leaving gaps...
can't configure any widgets
Can install homarr on Docker
Constant flickering at start (v0.12.3)
AdGuard Home Integration not working
Invariant: failed to start render worker Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
CSS help and possibly feature request?
Homarr App status offline if behind reverse proxy
Gridstack >12 bugs out clock and weather in sidebar
Calendar Weekdays line
Pihole integration
Dash. widget : TypeError: t.reduce is not a function
Internal Server Error
Homarr for Kubernetes Cluster
Suddenly plex integration stopped working
Keep edit mode disabled through restarts?
1080p screen calendar shows dates vertically
fix dashdot
Plex "Now Playing" not working - remote machine
Turkish Language request
Some weird characters in Dash.
Plex now playing, can't get it working.
Status offline 408, qBittorrent timeout. v0.12.1 docker
iframe - Option no scrolling
Media Server - Widget not working
Trying to arrange widgets..
How can I disable the edit mode?
How to install Homarr using Docker on Synology NAS ?
Suddenly I get the arrow to show the left side bar as if I'm on mobile
Any Windows native exe for Homarr?
All my status pings show up as red
Plex Integration Setup
Application error
Not showing more ports in docker integration
Constant switching between scrollbar and not
Sonarr entries not showing in calender
custom CSS issue
Error when trying to install Homarr
Adding docker variable on startup within portainer
No movies from Radarr in Homarr calendar
authentik usage
Widgets disappear when deleting a category
More Ping Module Questions
Empty calendar
Wrong time left on bottom bar
Sonarr V4 beta breaks calendar?
Dash. integration
setup homarr with nginx
New to docker, asking if the docker-compose is correct
Is it possible to stretch calendar?
How to Password Protect Page
Custom icons
Error when deploying in Unraid
Add Vietnamese language on Crowdin
favicon not found
Dashdot integration
Setting a background
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