Unraid Install Failures - 500 Internal Server Error

Hey y'all! New to unraid, new to starr apps, fairly new to homelabbing in general. I have been trying to get homarr working for like 4 hours. It doesn't seem like it should be hard, but here we are. When I try to install homarr via the community applications page, I end up with a 500 internal server error. I attached an image of my install path. I don't have it handy but can provide - I also tried installing via docker compose with a 400 nginx error I believe? And nginx isnt installed on my system. I have the whole dockerlog (as far as I know how) and system log attached as well. For the image with my unraid values for homarr, I didn't attach as you scroll down, because I didn't change any of the variables.
11 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot2mo ago
Thank you for submitting a support request. Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See https://homarr.dev/docs/community/faq#how-do-i-open-the-console--log) - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
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Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
Meierschlumpf2mo ago
Hey @iPreferAndroid Do you know when you downloaded the docker image with unraid? Because we relesed a new version yesterday (about 20 hours ago) https://github.com/homarr-labs/homarr/releases/tag/v1.1.0 The issue you incounter is related to a bugfix that should be part of this version. Can you check if unraid can pull the latest image?
Release v1.1.0 · homarr-labs/homarr
1.1.0 (2025-01-22) Features add dropdown list for switching boards (#2042) (02dabfc) add initial focus on new integration search (#2015) (b30c192) add support for calendar without integrations, ad...
iPreferAndroidOP2mo ago
I did this morning but there may have still been a few leftover files from after the uninstall. Ill go ahead and clear everything out and try again same issue, i believe i wiped all homarr related files from the server, and I just downloaded it right now around 11:25 CST.
Meierschlumpf2mo ago
Okay weird, can you check what env variable is set for AUTH_PROVIDERS within your container?
iPreferAndroidOP2mo ago
I currently have the field unpopulated,
iPreferAndroidOP2mo ago
No description
Meierschlumpf2mo ago
Yes I know, I think you could make it work when you change it to credentials, but then the issue persists. Can you try it with credentials and then navigate to the about page and see if it's actually v1.1.0
iPreferAndroidOP2mo ago
i got in by doing that, its 1.1.0, yes
Meierschlumpf2mo ago
Okay weird, I think I'll have to setup unraid myself to try it
kayshaw862mo ago
This was required to get me going as well on Unraid. Thanks.
DusKing12mo ago
I have similar situation and I just simply followed steps above, solved my issue. much thanks!!

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