Homarr2y ago

Looking for some help with Media Server Widget (Plex integration) and Download Speed widget (nzbget)

Hi! Hope you guys can help me with my new homarr installation, still trying to learn how it all works but run into a few issues, hopefully it's just a problem with me being a bit stupid and doing something wrong. I will also note I have done some searches online and this discord support channel but I couldn't see anything, if I missed something please let me know. I have jellyfin and plex both running simultaneously, I've added both to homarr and jellyfin works perfectly with the media server widget, but plex I'm having some issues with. I have added Plex, without an ending / , and input my API key correctly (from the XML on my plex server), and added 401 to my HTTP status codes and it still won't pick it up. My plex installation is running off the QNAP store, not through docker. The error codes I get are:
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (f8b04064-b8b7-44bc-8f33-cf5f365c5773): TypeError: fetch failed
Picture: https://i.imgur.com/Ffnbtlt.png That's issue one, issue 2 is with nzbget and its integration. nzbget is working perfectly in the Usenet widget Picture: https://i.imgur.com/G3IMrwL.png But the speeds aren't being picked up by the download speed widget, which is confusing me. I did see these logs:
Retrieving media requests from 1 apps
ℹ Requested frontend content of configuration 'default'
WARN There are apps that have missing configuration options: [nzbget, Plex] please input the correct secrets once again for the concerned app(s), save them, exit edit mode and reload the page.
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'nzbget' (bf27df42-2aea-46e9-97a0-5d24601cd2b3): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing password in app config.
WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'nzbget' (bf27df42-2aea-46e9-97a0-5d24601cd2b3): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing password in app config.
WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log
ℹ Requested frontend content of configuration 'default-NEW-Test'
ERROR App [object Object] not found
Retrieving media requests from 1 apps
Retrieving media requests from 1 apps
ℹ Requested frontend content of configuration 'default'
WARN There are apps that have missing configuration options: [nzbget, Plex] please input the correct secrets once again for the concerned app(s), save them, exit edit mode and reload the page.
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'nzbget' (bf27df42-2aea-46e9-97a0-5d24601cd2b3): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing password in app config.
WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'nzbget' (bf27df42-2aea-46e9-97a0-5d24601cd2b3): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing password in app config.
WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log
ℹ Requested frontend content of configuration 'default-NEW-Test'
ERROR App [object Object] not found
Retrieving media requests from 1 apps
I'm wondering if my issue is something to do with I do not run nzbget with a password, so I always get stuck on filling out the integration stage with the username and password field, and not being able to progress unless something is in. I've started putting in nzbgets default username and password, and I get my results in the Usenet widget, but the downloader isn't being picked up. Some information on my system: I have a qnap system with my docker stack running in a docker swarm config, with a lot of my docker apps in the same compose file (nzbget, radarr, sonarr, homarr etc.), with Plex running as its own standalone app from the qnap store. tautulli can communicate with my Plex server fine, just homarr seems to be having issues. I run my apps through a reverse proxy and oauth service for access. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks!
Nothing's perfect, it may need to be updated again too. Reenter the username and the password
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104 Replies
Thomas2y ago
@zwooosh can you send me what your Plex internal address looks like ? Maybe it’s the issue. Thanks a lot for the detailed description btw
MattyGOP2y ago
Sure thing! Here's how it looks: https://i.imgur.com/MMQRFZq.png
MattyGOP2y ago
And for good measure, here's how nzbget looks: https://i.imgur.com/5UpMe4H.png
MattyGOP2y ago
I have solved issue #1, with Plex and the Media Server widget, I just changed the https:// to http:// and that's solved it. Still working on the nzbget download speed issue
Serenaphic2y ago
#2 are you sure nzbget is a valid url?
MattyGOP2y ago
The only reason I'd say it is is this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/G3IMrwL.png It's picking up the queued list and it can see the progress, size, ETA - even the speed. Just not showing up on the download speed widget
Serenaphic2y ago
Yeah that's also why I assumed at first that it was but that really doesn't look like it should be valid
MattyGOP2y ago
This is how my docker apps talk to each other, all apps in the compose file connect to the same internal network so the URLs look like that. For example, this is the structure of my prowlarr config: https://i.imgur.com/F44mdKB.png Must be an issue with my setup, since they aren't talking to a recognised URL. I'll open a port on my nzbget and try to get on via my lan.ip.address:port and see if that works
Serenaphic2y ago
No if that is how it works I do believe it should work. If one widget is working no reason the other shouldn't. Can't you leave the password field empty? I do think the problem stems from that
MattyGOP2y ago
No, it doesn't let me weirdly. Do you think maybe going into the .json and making:
"integration": {
"type": "nzbGet",
"properties": [
"field": "username",
"type": "public",
"value": "none"
"field": "password",
"type": "private"
"integration": {
"type": "nzbGet",
"properties": [
"field": "username",
"type": "public",
"value": "none"
"field": "password",
"type": "private"
"integration": {
"type": "nzbGet",
"properties": [
"field": "username",
"type": "public",
"value": ""
"field": "password",
"type": ""
"integration": {
"type": "nzbGet",
"properties": [
"field": "username",
"type": "public",
"value": ""
"field": "password",
"type": ""
Might help?
Serenaphic2y ago
Changing the type won't help, it's the value that is used
MattyGOP2y ago
Sorry that's what I meant, I tried making the username nzbget, with a blank value as password. Now the app flashes between working in the usenet widget, then showing this: https://i.imgur.com/NfeMz8P.png
Thomas2y ago
Have you tried with just http:// ? For Plex Oh yeah nice Try using IP instead of hostname
MattyGOP2y ago
Aha yeah that was an oversight from my part. All sorted there. Just tried this, put in the IP and the port and similar issue - I think you guys are right if one widget works perfectly it might be something to do with requiring a username and password from me?
Thomas2y ago
Oh. I’m not sure either. I think it should work with and password That’s how it works with transmission irrc If you can see the current downloads but the download speed widget doesn’t work it’s probably a bug on our end.
MattyGOP2y ago
hmm.. Should I be able to add nzbget integration without a username and password? Tomorrow I can try setting up a username and password on nzbet and see if that gets me any further, but for now, very hapy with the homarr setup minus the download speeds. Everything else works flawlessly now I've got plex integration working.
Serenaphic2y ago
It might be a bug from our end, so a github issue would be welcome. For a temporary fix, adding a username/password might help so you could try and tell us. If that actually doesn't help then the issue might be somewhere else
Bostafari2y ago
Hey Matty, I've got the same issue with nzbget-ng. Queue/History work just fine, nothing shows in current download speed widget. Just curious, did you figure out a resolution?
MattyGOP2y ago
Nope! Didn’t figure it out. Curious - what’s your setup? Does it sound similar to mine? Might narrow the problem down
Bostafari2y ago
I don’t have that URL setup you’re using, just a standard lan ip of http://192.168.217:6789. Leads me to believe there isn’t an issue with your URL setup but there’s a bug with the NZBGet download widget integration.
Skeet2y ago
Plex 32400 is HTTPS backed
Sep 10 23:47:09 homarr yarn[303]: #033[41m#033[30m ERROR #033[39m#033[49m Error communicating with your download client 'Nzbget' (5fb30ef6-b317-4f4d-afe4-e82dfb7a41e8): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing port in app config.
Sep 10 23:47:09 homarr yarn[303]: #033[41m#033[30m ERROR #033[39m#033[49m Error communicating with your download client 'Nzbget' (5fb30ef6-b317-4f4d-afe4-e82dfb7a41e8): Error: Cannot connect to NZBGet. Missing port in app config.
fixed my nzbget by not using the revproxy https, just the container ip:port, speed shows up in usenet widget but not in download speed total. Fixed plex by using the .direct url for my server
kidtaroi2y ago
Hi, just reading through this issue, the plex now playing and download speed widgets are not outputting anything. Is it recommened to use http://localipaddress:portnumber ?
Serenaphic2y ago
For the internal address yes it is.
kidtaroi2y ago
I did that. Cleared cache but the widget for Plex now playing and download speed is not showing me anything
Serenaphic2y ago
Any errors in the logs
Serenaphic2y ago
Are you sure you entered your login/api/tokens right?
kidtaroi2y ago
for plex or QBT ?
Serenaphic2y ago
kidtaroi2y ago
pasted updated pass for QBT will restart and see
Thomas2y ago
Did it work ?
kidtaroi2y ago
unfortunately no
No description
kidtaroi2y ago
is the plex api key plex claim token ? that starts with claim-aipkey
Serenaphic2y ago
Plex Support
Finding an authentication token / X-Plex-Token | Plex Support
While not something most users will need to worry about, sometimes you may need to find the value for an...
kidtaroi2y ago
updated and restarted same error
Serenaphic2y ago
I remember someone saying they had to get the token by accessing plex with the same IP:Port combo as used in homarr Was that your case?
kidtaroi2y ago
no, I went to plex web let me re do that changed the token to what I got from local IP:port
Serenaphic2y ago
For qbittorrent, since you can ping it (as the dot appears green) and you assure us that your integration is correct, there may be a setting in qbittorrent preventing outside access
kidtaroi2y ago
I am currently using cloudflare tunnel to access outside, I changed everything to local ip address, to check if it works problem is I am not reach QBT when I use localip:port if I use my domain , I am able to reach
Serenaphic2y ago
Is your qbit on the same machine as your homarr? (and plex?)
kidtaroi2y ago
Serenaphic2y ago
Ah so the green ping was using the domain. Do you have any other integrations? Since you have a domain system I assume you have a reverse proxy. This one might be blocking traffic when not using the domain. In plex, go to settings -> Remote Access, on that page you'll find a private IP, try that one out.
kidtaroi2y ago
no , integrations, I was looing for QBT and plex integrations ok let me give that a try
Serenaphic2y ago
It may be that you're not even using the right IP's then
kidtaroi2y ago
I am using localIP:port for QBT and plex dont know where am I going wrong QBT is not accessible if I put internal IP:8080 but accessible through domian even the torrent widget doesnt get QBT list
Serenaphic2y ago
Can you try to do
wget -S IP:PORT
wget -S IP:PORT
From homarr's container's shell/command and see what response you get? It'll tell you whether that service is reachable by homarr or not
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
Serenaphic2y ago
You have to replace "IP:PORT" with the Ip and port of the service you want.
kidtaroi2y ago
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
Serenaphic2y ago
That means qbit torrent should have no problem at least pinging using that ip:port combo
kidtaroi2y ago
yeah, dont know why is not able to reach
Serenaphic2y ago
If you hover the red dot, what code do you get?
kidtaroi2y ago
I will delete the container and redo it again
Serenaphic2y ago
I don't have much hope for that working but how is it going? Also, are you using docker? You can mount your docker socket for easier integration
kidtaroi2y ago
Yes I am using docker and have integrated too version: '3' #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Homarr - A simple, yet powerful dashboard for your server. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /docker/appdata/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs - /docker/appdata/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro ports: - '7575:7575' this is my stack for plex I am getting unauthroized
Serenaphic2y ago
401 unothorized is normal. We really need to add this to the list of accepted codes Since pings don't use integration, sometimes they get refused. The simple fact that plex responds anything means that it's up and communicating
kidtaroi2y ago
hmm, only widgets seem to be wonky then
Serenaphic2y ago
Yes, for some reason the fetch is failing. Did you configure any part of security in plex's settings?
kidtaroi2y ago
nope, nothing , just normal remote access to plex server
Serenaphic2y ago
Let me just recap. Plex is reachable, but integration is not working even though you did follow the tutorial for the token. You get the error "Fetch Failed". It get's a code 401, which is the normal behavior and integration should not have a problem with the right token. Qbit is reachable through wget on it's ip with code 200, but isn't through the ping using the same IP:Port combo. You didn't tell me what the dot shows though. It gets a code 403 "forbidden" for the integration.
kidtaroi2y ago
yes, QBT shows green dot. 200
kidtaroi2y ago
but when I try to open it it spits this out
No description
kidtaroi2y ago
but when I manually go and type out localIP:8080 it takes me to login page
Serenaphic2y ago
Did you use https instead of http?
kidtaroi2y ago
no changed to both http ( inernal and external but when I use my domain name it landes me on log in page but I cant get through ( that is a different issue)
Serenaphic2y ago
Use the domain on the external address and the ip for the internal address
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
Serenaphic2y ago
Internal is the address used by homarr, external is the link it'll redirect you when clicking on it
kidtaroi2y ago
ok. changed it to external
Serenaphic2y ago
So, both apps show a green dot now, but both integrations don't work?
kidtaroi2y ago
let me restart Homarr QBT shows green dot online 200 Plex shows red 401 unauthroized
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
kidtaroi2y ago
hurray Plex integration is working
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
Serenaphic2y ago
Great, what about qbit
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
kidtaroi2y ago
nope QBT is still spitiing out error 403 response code for QBT
Serenaphic2y ago
One sec I'll search a bit
kidtaroi2y ago
Thank you, sorry for asking thes many questions
Serenaphic2y ago
No worries
kidtaroi2y ago
This is the by far the best home page app that I have used. No need to fiddle with config files
Serenaphic2y ago
403 is linked to insufficient or wrong authentication
kidtaroi2y ago
I gave the right secret key
Serenaphic2y ago
And the right user too?
kidtaroi2y ago
yes username by default is admin I can log in when I enter IPaddress:8080 and enter credentials
Serenaphic2y ago
When you updated the password in the integration tab last time, did you also update the username?
kidtaroi2y ago
no, but it was already admin
Serenaphic2y ago
Nothing's perfect, it may need to be updated again too. Reenter the username and the password
kidtaroi2y ago
I just did again and restarted and that did the trick! Awesome sauce !
Serenaphic2y ago
Nice so everything is working now
kidtaroi2y ago
almost. Calender has text instead of numbers
Serenaphic2y ago
What in the hell Gotta see that
kidtaroi2y ago
No description
Serenaphic2y ago
Are you using english or did you change the language?
kidtaroi2y ago
Serenaphic2y ago
That is wild, never seen that before
kidtaroi2y ago
weird thing is when I ever reach homer, google thinks it is in spanish
Serenaphic2y ago
I seriously have no idea why your calendar does that. In the code it's straight up returning a number, and the fact that it does it on random parts like this Did you click on translate by mistake?
kidtaroi2y ago
no, I just told google that this page is not in spanish done fixed with google are there example config files anywhere
Serenaphic2y ago
https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/blob/dev/data/configs/default.json That's the default one on fresh installs. It is really not recommended to share one's config file or to temper with it manually if you don't know what you are doing
kidtaroi2y ago

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