Homarr16mo ago

Can't install Homarr on Docker

I use Portainer for docker and copy pasted the docker compose and changed the host volume locations and got the error in the text file. This is what im using for docker compose version: '3' #---------------------------------------------------------------------# Homarr - A simple, yet powerful dashboard for your server. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /droidlab/docker/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs - /droidlab/docker/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons - /droidlab/docker/homarr/data:/data ports: - '7575:7575'
36 Replies
explosive parrot
explosive parrot16mo ago
Key error from log: failed to register layer: ApplyLayer exit status 1 stdout: stderr: unlinkat /app/node_modules/resolve-alpn: invalid argument Invalid argument for '''unlinkat''' leads me to believe a permissions issue, or a file path issue.
DekaTronOP16mo ago
I really need to learn file permissons in linux, usually I just do 777 but its bad practice, what would you recommend?
explosive parrot
explosive parrot16mo ago
I unfortunately don't know much about portianer or how it functions
DekaTronOP16mo ago
Ok, ill install via docker cli and see if anything changes
YewNork16mo ago
Does the directory exist already? If so who owns it? I wonder if you can change ownership to the user the docker container would use and then retry
ykg16mo ago
It’s a location/volume issue for sure. Can you elaborate on why you want to the data directories moved? version: '3' #---------------------------------------------------------------------# Homarr - A simple, yet powerful dashboard for your server. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration - ./homarr/configs:/app/data/configs - ./homarr/icons:/app/public/icons - ./homarr/data:/data ports: - '7575:7575'
DekaTronOP16mo ago
It does and it should be the second user i created on the vm, i created the folder with that user I run a bunch of docker containers in separate proxmox containers so i use the same folder name across all of them to find data easier
ykg16mo ago
Ok, well I have no experience with that. It looks like a volume issue though
DekaTronOP16mo ago
i tried installing specifically version 0.13.4 and deleted all folders before hand to just let docker create them and that works just fine, any version above that does not work on any of my vms now
No description
Spink16mo ago
I can confirm when using custom locations, 0.13.4 is the latest version that works. when using default locations, it works on 'latest' and all other versions
Manicraft100116mo ago
Hi @Spink , can you open a new post? The default commands in our documentation should work...
Spink16mo ago
Yes the defaults work. But not when you modify the location of the three paths.
Manicraft100116mo ago
Can you make a new post? Pretty sure you configure it incorrectly
Spink16mo ago
But it's the same issue as op here?
Manicraft100116mo ago
Can you post your run or compose here then?
Spink16mo ago
version: '3' #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Homarr - A simple, yet powerful dashboard for your server. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------# services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration - /mnt/Docker/homarr:/app/data/configs - /mnt/Docker/homarr:/app/public/icons - /mnt/Docker/homarr:/data ports: - '7575:7575'
Manicraft100116mo ago
Ok, so your problem is completely unrelated to OPs. And you said that this only happens when you configure a different path? @Meierschlumpf this is another case with failing migrations. Can you take note of it? When we collect enough data, we might be able to rule out until we find the cause.
Spink16mo ago
this is a brand new install though
Manicraft100116mo ago
Ok. So? We still apply migrations...
Spink16mo ago
ok, just clarifying.
Manicraft100116mo ago
No problem. It's unrelated to OP (at least from my point of view). Let's wait for Meier.
Spink16mo ago
Many thanks, should I make a new post?
Manicraft100116mo ago
Since you already posted the log here, let's wait for Meier. We most likely have an issue on GitHub.
Serenaphic16mo ago
Hi, you are trying to use the same folder for all your mounts, the docs clearly says not to do that Try using this instead for volumes:
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/data:/data
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons
- /mnt/Docker/homarr/data:/data
Meierschlumpf16mo ago
Try to change the db mount path. Not sure why, but your db is locked and seemsto be accessed from another process
Spink16mo ago
yeah I tried this later that evening with the same result.
volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration - /mnt/Docker/homarrr/configs:/app/data/configs - /mnt/Docker/homarrr/icons:/app/public/icons - /mnt/Docker/homarrr/data:/data
and I also changed the path (added an extra r to homarr) to test the DB lock I thought perhaps the DB lock was from the NAS recyclingbin/snapshots but it didn't change anything. permissions look ok for that folder. (it's able to create folders and config files.) db.sqlite file in the data folder is zero bytes.
Serenaphic16mo ago
Delete the database and restart? It sometimes work
Spink16mo ago
tried that. it creates a db.sqlite.journal file and db.sqlite and then the journal disappears a few seconds later
Serenaphic16mo ago
It looks like the database is not liking the folder, do as Meierschlumpf said and try changing the mount path of just the database
Spink16mo ago
yes, no issues here with data set to it's default. ./homarr/data Exporting hostname... Migrating database... yarn run v1.22.19 $ ts-node ./migrate.ts Done in 1.74s. Starting production server... Listening on port 7575 url: http://2f3c8f123988:7575 ℹ Instance is using a database on the file system. Checking if file '/data/db.sqlite' is writable... ℹ Database is writeable but not sure why it's not working when that's set to somewhere else.
Serenaphic16mo ago
I'll hand that back to @Meierschlumpf then
Meierschlumpf16mo ago
What are u using for running those containers? Maybe I can setup it myself and check more directly
Spink16mo ago
portainer community 2.19.2
Meierschlumpf16mo ago
Sadly I was not able to reproduce your issue, I deployed homarr with Portainer on my Rasperry Pi without any issues
Loxion15mo ago
I have the same setup, running Portainer 2.19.4 on an Ubuntu host and using the exact same compose file as you apart from I have not seperated out the volumes you have under integration. I just have volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Optional, only if you want docker integration - /portainer/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs - /portainer/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons - /portainer/homarr/data:/data I have changed the mount just because I like to have all my Portainer data under a single top level folder (Portainer) then sub folders for each container

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