Created by Loxion on 12/18/2023 in #💬・get-help
Local images for Background
Quite possibly me missing something here? I am trying to use a local .jpg as a background image. I have tried a couple of ways and no success .. yet. - Mounted a shared area as a volume in the Homarr container and addressed to that location - nothing - physically copied the image to a folder within the container to test - nothing. I am doing this via the Background field under Settings > Appearance. It works find if I use the example website as per Homarr docs (https:=//source.unsplash.com/featured/ ) = added to URL to avoid linking
14 replies
Created by Loxion on 12/13/2023 in #💬・get-help
PiHole widgets / integration
Not sure what I might be missing here, but I cant seem to get anything from the PiHole widgets? Homarr is running in Portainer on an Ubuntu host VM within Proxmox along with a number of other containers. They are all working and the app connections are all good. The containers are currently running on a bridged network to the host as I need some to communicate with a seperate server on my host network. This includes homarr (bridged). I have a primary and secondary PiHole LXC containers running (on different Proxmox host machines) and they seem to working correctly. When I add the two widgets (DNS Hole Summary / DNS Hole Controls) I get no information. The summary just shows 0.00 on all options and the Controls says 'unable to find DNS Hole' and to verify configuration/integration(s). Any ideas on what to look at or check would be appreciated? Cheers
33 replies