Can't install Turbo dependency on Raspberry Pi running ArmbianOS (armv7l)
I'm trying to build Homarr on my
Banana Pro
SoC (a la Raspberry Pi) runing on Armbian OS. I have all typical dev requirements (node, npm, yarn ...) as per the Dockerfile versions.
I'm trying to use yarn build
but it fails due to Turbo dep not supporting armv7l
How to bypass this dep. Because I see that the Homarr should work on Raspberry Pi natively (w/o Docker, that is).
Thanks.7 Replies
Genral Sysinfo:
Hi, this is an issue with turbo and arm so I'm not sure anyone will be able to help.
I did find this though, maybe it could help.
with yarn berry doesn't work · Issue #3280 · ve...What version of Turborepo are you using? 1.7.0 What package manager are you using / does the bug impact? Yarn v2/v3 (node_modules linker only) What operating system are you using? Mac Describe the ...
Ah! Bummers 😦 Is it possible to build it locally on my MacOS Host and then rsync to my armv7l SoC Host? Btw. thanks for response @tagaishi
Why not use docker @sleekmaster. ?
You can try to change the package json to change the yarn build command to not use turbo
Maybe just next build could do the trick. Or irrc there’s an option to not use turbo
@ajnart i'm trying to limit the resource usage on my SoC since its running other things besides
what was the option? I can't really find it
nevertheless, I provisioned homarr on my linode vps 😦
Quickest option is to use docker, the performance overhead is really not that much and you get more space because you don’t have to install and build dependencies
Plus you get isolation and easy updates
You can also look at the GitHub issue liked above and solve your issue with their fix. @sleekmaster.
They will have different architecture, for example of you have apple silicone it will be ARM I believe. Like ajnar said, docker would be the best bet, mainly because it will be build based on the image used on the dockerfile so not architectural problem regardless of in what hardware is running.