Nzbget integration

My nzbget integration doesnt seem to connect correctly. The status check is red, but when i click the icon, it opens the correct location just fine. I assume the reason for the integrations not working is the same reason i have a red status check, but im not sure what it is im doing wrong to cause it. Can anyone assist?
44 Replies
Manicraft10012y ago
Hi, thanks for the post. Can you post your log? Please redact any information you don't want to post.
br4df0rdOP2y ago
this is gonna sound dumb, but i just install homarr through docker on MacOS. Where is the log located?
Manicraft10012y ago
In the docker logs. What method did you use? run or compose?
br4df0rdOP2y ago
Manicraft10012y ago
If you have Docker desktop, you can also see them through that Use the "docker logs" command
br4df0rdOP2y ago
seems to think it needs a port number?
Manicraft10012y ago
Please post as a text message. I can't open any files on mobile. Sometimes Discord will convert to a file, if it's too big Alternatively, use pastebin and set it to unlisted
br4df0rdOP2y ago
Pastebin is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
br4df0rdOP2y ago
it says it needs a port number, but when i set it to localhost:6789 or localip:6789 it doesnt make any difference.
Manicraft10012y ago
Did you run Homarr previously or is this a fresh install?
br4df0rdOP2y ago
first time
Manicraft10012y ago
Weird. Can you open the configuration file with a text editor and search for your app name? Then screenshot the JSON and make sure to redact URL + credentials. A user reported, that the integration was broken. I don't have a nzbget instance myself sadly...
br4df0rdOP2y ago
No description
Manicraft10012y ago
Does your icon URL really look like that? Or did you accidentally screw with it?
br4df0rdOP2y ago
not sure what your referring to?
Manicraft10012y ago
Line 283 to 287 It isn't supposed to look like that
br4df0rdOP2y ago
oh weird. i must have done that. i undid it now
Manicraft10012y ago
Okay, thanks
br4df0rdOP2y ago
want me to send another screenshot?
Manicraft10012y ago
Yes, please
br4df0rdOP2y ago
No description
br4df0rdOP2y ago
i think i fixed it well the integration works now, but its still red
Manicraft10012y ago
Nice With the red dot, you mean the status ping?
br4df0rdOP2y ago
Manicraft10012y ago
Ok. What does it show, when you hower it? "undefined undefined"?
br4df0rdOP2y ago
Manicraft10012y ago
Well, then I can't really help you rn. There is a bug that makes debugging this really hard. I would just leave it like that until a fix is out. I'll hopefully fix it tomorrow
br4df0rdOP2y ago
no worries. i fixed the integration by adding my local ip since nzbget is not in docker and homarr is, just fyi that was my issue
Manicraft10012y ago
You could look in the log, if there is a status code and add it to the list of allowed codes. If that doesn't work out, you'll have to wait
br4df0rdOP2y ago
oh ok. ill take a look. thanks for your help. Homarr is really nice. im loving it so far.
Manicraft10012y ago
Thanks. And sorry for the inconvenience with the bugs. We recently made some pretty big changes and probably didn't notice those issues early enough
br4df0rdOP2y ago
one more quick question...
Manicraft10012y ago
br4df0rdOP2y ago
it doesnt appear there is any options for opening up apps within homarr, only in another tab, right?
Manicraft10012y ago
No, there is. It should be in the behaviour tab
br4df0rdOP2y ago
like having the left tab stay, but the app opens in the main window?
Manicraft10012y ago
How do you mean within Homarr? You can either open a new tab or redirect the existing one
br4df0rdOP2y ago
yes, so it kinda works as a hub. and i can switch between apps all within homarr gotcha. thanks again for everything you do with this app. 🙂 have a good one!
Manicraft10012y ago
Thank you, you too! And thanks for the kind words 👋
Thomas2y ago
@br4df0rd I think the red status is because of the unauthorized request, the server returns 401 but it should still work
br4df0rdOP2y ago
yeah, it works fine. But why is it unauthorized?
Thomas2y ago
because homarr is not logged-in Basically you'd have to add your credentials inside the URl
NZBGet has three pairs of username/password:

options ControlUsername and ControlPassword - Full access, usually used when connecting to web-interface;
options RestrictedUsername and RestrictedPassword - v15.0 Restricted user can control the program with few restrictions. He has access to web-interface and can see most program settings. He can not change program settings and can not view security related options or options provided by extension scripts. In terms of RPC-API the user:
cannot use method “saveconfig”;
methods “config” and “loadconfig” return string “***” for options those content is protected from the user.
options AddUsername and AddPassword - v15.0 This user has only two permissions:
add new downloads using RPC-method “append”;
check program version using RPC-method “version”.
The RPC server uses HTTP basic authentication. The URL would be something like:

for XML-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/xmlrpc
for JSON-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/jsonrpc
for JSON-P-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/jsonprpc
NZBGet has three pairs of username/password:

options ControlUsername and ControlPassword - Full access, usually used when connecting to web-interface;
options RestrictedUsername and RestrictedPassword - v15.0 Restricted user can control the program with few restrictions. He has access to web-interface and can see most program settings. He can not change program settings and can not view security related options or options provided by extension scripts. In terms of RPC-API the user:
cannot use method “saveconfig”;
methods “config” and “loadconfig” return string “***” for options those content is protected from the user.
options AddUsername and AddPassword - v15.0 This user has only two permissions:
add new downloads using RPC-method “append”;
check program version using RPC-method “version”.
The RPC server uses HTTP basic authentication. The URL would be something like:

for XML-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/xmlrpc
for JSON-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/jsonrpc
for JSON-P-RPC: http://username:password@localhost:6789/jsonprpc
From their website. It's what people used to do for auth before we invented better things
Meierschlumpf2y ago
But please don't add them, because it works like that 😉

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