Homarr13mo ago

Integrations Not Working

For some reason none of my integrations seem to be able to pull any data from my servers. It looks like it can ping the server to see if its up but thats about it. As of now my torrent client, DNS widgets, and media server all are unable to get anything.
13 Replies
ShinjiOP13mo ago
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ShinjiOP13mo ago
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Manicraft100113mo ago
How do you run Homarr? What is the version you're running?
ShinjiOP13mo ago
I'm running it on a ubuntu vm on the latest version.
Manicraft100113mo ago
Latest is not a version. Are you running 0.15.0?
ShinjiOP13mo ago
Yes. I've checked the urls and api's all seems good. Just to double check I added rules in my firewall for homarr's IP and no luck there. Any other Ideas?
Manicraft100113mo ago
Please wait until we respond. We aren't working full time on this project and it may take multiple hours until we reply. Are you using Docker in the VM or how did you deploy? We generally don't support the installations running from source as there are too many factors at play (and people usually mess with dependencies or parts of the code they don't understand).
ShinjiOP13mo ago
Im using docker in the VM.
Manicraft100113mo ago
Please create a backup of the configuration file first. Then, I suggest that you fix your URLs. They are returning 404 which means they cannot be found. You might have a typo or the reverse proxy isn't working properly. Having the widgets fail sometimes creates a weird behaviour where the boards don't fully load and causes other widgets to not load too. This is a somewhat known issue.
ShinjiOP13mo ago
The pings work. I've tested the url's and they seem to be fine from my point. For example my jellyfin link "" I'm not sure what else to fix at this point. I've tried different forms of the url including my public domain url and still no luck.
Serenaphic13mo ago
It seems that your VM can't access those services, maybe some bridge needed? Are you able to curl/wget your services from your VM? Not your own machine, from the VM directly
ShinjiOP13mo ago
Yes I am. And I’m able to ping them as well. But I noticed the ping built into the dashboard will always show the added services as up even when they are down.

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