qBittorrent stopped working
qBittorrent integration stopped working as of the qbit 4.6.1 update
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This may be related to the removal of the default webui credentials from qbittorrent as of the 4.6.1 update. Your log file will show you the temporary password so you can log in and change it.
18 Replies
This may be related to the removal of the default webui credentials from qbittorrent as of the 4.6.1 update. Your log file will show you the temporary password so you can log in and change it.
Further questions should be directed towards qBittorrent
If you got caught out by this; STOP USING DEFAULT CREDENTIALS.
I have update to my new Credentials in Homarr, but homarr still don’t catch the latest Qbittorrent 😦 what to do?
Can you show me a copy of your homarr/container log?
@explosive parrot sure. It works great in radarr, sonarr and so on, it is just in Homarr it won’t work.
Forbidden means that you have the right IP, since it hasn't changed that was to be expected but the communication should be sound.
It does mean though that you do not have the right credentials
403 means qbit is refusing your connection.
This is usually because homarr tried the wrong credentials too many times.
Double check you qbit login credentials (the configuration JSON has it in plain text).
You may have to disable CSRF protection https://homarr.dev/docs/community/known-issues#%F0%9F%9A%A8-qbittorrent-webui-showing-unauthorized
Lastly, I recommend decreasing client ban time in qbit during troubleshooting.
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@explosive parrot Have double check, Qbit works great with the new credentials, I have double check in the Homarr config and it have the right Credentials. I have disable CSRF I have removed the integration and re-added it.
This is the only thing I see 😞
I have even Whitelist the IP in Qbit
What is the app ping reporting?
Green 👍
Any change to the homarr log?
Or still 403?
This is strange, back to my computer and was checking and it seems to work! Should be very interesting to know what this problem was 😄 anyway big thanks to great support and your fast response to try out to help your users so fast! This is amazing!! 🤩
No problem, most likely a config error which timed it out.
I see! Thanks again.