Constant switching between scrollbar and not
Added the video that shows the homarr page switching between having a scroll bar and not. Guessing it is the width of the page changing with the scroll bar causing it to remove it, then adding it, then removing and so on...
30 Replies
Thanks for reporting this. As far as I can recall, this was already reported somewhere, but I can't find it anymore.
It's hard to debug this, since it depends on the actual screen size, your OS render resolution and other factors
Can you tell us what resolution and scaling you use?
Chromium browser
Okay. Can you measure the actual website size? Since your screen is used by taskbar, chrome, ... the actual screen will differ from 2560x1440.
Do you know how to use the inspector?
Not at home atm, will do when I get back
Ok no problem, let me know
Home now, what am I looking for?
I am now not at my PC anymore, but I'll just explain it here
Can you open the inspector?
Then, you should see a DOM inspector with all elements
Can you see that?
Yes, see all the elements
Ok. Can you see "body"?
Good. Click on it
Do you see the CSS below or right?
Do you also see the "element" rule? It's probably empty
Or alternatively, a CSS rule called body
Many called body
Pick the
Click between the lines {} and enter "overflow: hidden;"
Then, the switching of the scrollbar should go away.
It did
Nice. Can you then hover the body element at the top again?
The screen should go blue. Does this work?
but now I can't scroll
If it does, you should see a resolution somewhere. What is it?
Perfect, thanks. That's what I needed
Never seen decimals in resolutions
That's to be expected. You can refresh the page and it will be scroll-able again
If you want to temporarily fix your switching scrollbar, until we've implemented a fix, use this custom CSS:
That should make it go away temporarily
eh, I'll just create a button lower down for now. Then the scroll bar is always there
Can you explain to me how you figured out why it happens ?
The body is not as big as the sidebar and it breaks ?
An element is constantly changing it's size and shifting the layout, until it creates a searchbar and removes it again