How do i get this?

Please help me out, Thanks!
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11 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot2w ago
Thank you for submitting a support request. Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
Frequently Asked Questions | Homarr documentation
Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
Daniel |
Ubuntu 24.04 Version 1.7.0 docker-compose I have dashdot setup and integrated but my widget doesn't look like the one in the picture.
Meierschlumpf2w ago
This was in 0.15.10 and has not been migrated to 1.0 yet, but it is planned
Daniel |
alright, thank you for anwsering
Kada2d ago
hold on there is a way but not the easiest
Kada2d ago
On your dashbord create a dynamic section and place iFrames containing the urls generated on the doc provided above
Kada2d ago
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Kada2d ago
http://<YOURADRESSANDPORT>?graph=cpu&multiView=false&showPercentage=true i.e. the adress for the cpu
Daniel |
hey, meanwhile i'l adopted this solution too. Ty for answering. Would be nice if we could bring up some temperatures, any ideea?
Kada5h ago
Nope nothing about temps in the doc. I heard about grafana, but never tried it and I don't know if there is any integration in homarr.

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