Homarr11mo ago

Installation problem

Hi! I install homarr with docker: docker run \ --name homarr \ --restart unless-stopped \ -p 7575:7575 \ -e TZ=Europe/Madrid \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /Dwarf/Datos/AppData/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs \ -v /Dwarf/Datos/AppData/homarr/data:/data \ -v /Dwarf/Datos/AppData/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons \ -d ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest Container state says “unhealthy”, and when i open the url i get the error in the image. The logs shows this errors: { message: 'no such table: user', code: -32603, ������ { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null } } } } ] }, shape: { message: 'no such table: user', code: -32603, ������ { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null } }, ������ { code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', httpStatus: 500, path: 'user.count', zodError: null }, name: 'TRPCClientError' }, elapsedMs: 56 } Error [TRPCClientError]: no such table: user at TRPCClientError.from (file:///app/.next/server/src/middleware.js:1718:20) at <unknown> (file:///app/.next/server/src/middleware.js:2273:60) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) What am i doing wrong? Thanxs!
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This issue should be fixed with release v0.14.1 ! If not, please open up a ticket in #💬・get-help
Release v0.14.1 Stability improvement and bug fixes · ajnart/homarr
Your issues should be resolved! During the last release, we didn't spend enough time to test on different hardware configurations to ensure that v0.14.0 would work on the majority of people'...
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33 Replies
Thomas11mo ago
It seems that there was an error when adding the database somehow, can you try to go to Dwarf/Datos/AppData/homarr/data and deleting the database there ?
NoScah11mo ago
Same error even after deleting .sqllite in folder
Thomas11mo ago
What does it say when you start the app?
Dwarf11mo ago
Same here. File deleted, container restarted, same error. File recreated, 0B size.
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Leowen11mo ago
Hi 🙂 It seems like, I have a same issue as @Dwarf :/
SoldierofRome11mo ago
I have the same error
explosive parrot
explosive parrot11mo ago
Instead of a deleting than restart, have you tried stopping the container, deleting, than starting? This process provided me with a fresh db
explosive parrot
explosive parrot11mo ago
If problems persist, this is a blank db.sqlite file ready for onboarding that my homarr created.
explosive parrot
explosive parrot11mo ago
@NoScah @Dwarf @Leowen @SoldierofRome
SoldierofRome11mo ago
Was able to resolve it by fully removing the container and re-creating it. Usually don't have to do that when running the container on a Synology NAS; a reset of the container usually does the trick.
explosive parrot
explosive parrot11mo ago
When in doubt, more force!
SoldierofRome11mo ago
Too true
Dwarf11mo ago
Replacing de DB file with this made it for me! Thaxs!
explosive parrot
explosive parrot11mo ago
@ajnart might want to consider having a replacement on the github or documentation so they aren't just copying mine.
NoScah11mo ago
Same isssue even after removing container. There is a way to upload my old config in .json ? I think i have to re-create my dashboard from zero.
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