insanely dumb question
Hi all,
I just spent an entire day trying to get Homarr up and running to view my Proxmox server with no luck. I eventually started over and now I can't even access Homarr (which I had previously been able to do). I wiped my container and stack and started over.
Proxmox VE
Ubuntu 24.04 VM
Docker Desktop and Portainer installed inside that VM
Set up a stack following the instructions, which deployed and shows it's running within Docker and Portainer
currently can't access Homarr at
I'm beyond new at all this stuff. Literally started teaching myself everything less than two weeks ago. I know I'm doing something insanely stupid, I just don't have enough understanding to see what i'm missing.
26 Replies
Thank you for submitting a support request.
Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
Frequently Asked Questions | Homarr documentation
Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
Proxmox | Homarr documentation
This guide covers how to install homarr inside of a linux-container in ProxmoxVE, using a fully automated approach.
hello, No i didn't do it inside of proxmox itself as an LXC. I tried to do it inside of an Ubuntu VM, which i'm assuming was the worst way to go about it
trying that right now. Can't believe I did't see that prior.
To elaborate, no your questions aren't "insanely dumb" but you'll have to fully understand the underlying technologies of Homarr & dependencies to do it in an Ubuntu VM:
From source | Homarr documentation
Installing from source is a bad idea in many ways:
The disadvantages are clearly documentded in the link above and I strongly recommend you to use the Proxmox guide I sent you above.
thanks very much. going through it now to try and get a better grasp of the information
ok that worked like a champ. took me a second to figure out what the IP was for the container. Would you recommend creating the LXC again and setting a static IP? Also, are there any benefits installing with Unbuntu as the OS over debian?
@CrazyWolf13 can you answer?
hopefully the last question for awhile, which was the casue of all my issues today. I'm trying to pull the system status from Proxmox. I followed the documentation. Generated the user/group. API Token, secret key etc. I created a cert by copying the raw cert info out into a text file and saving as .crt.
when i go to load the certification I get this "Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information).
Digest: 62749251"
I'm one of the maintainers from community-scripts repo and a little proxmox fanboy 😆
Sure you can even edit the IP directly in the LXC settings
In the Tab networking
No ubuntu normally takes more ressources and overall performs worse than debian, other than that it's down to personal preference.
awesome. thanks for the info! any idea to my above issue with the cert and getting the proxmox data out?
I'll direct this question more towards homarr team again, but feel free to follow the guide linked above on how to obtain logs on proxmox and post them here 🙂
Proxmox | Homarr documentation
This guide covers how to install homarr inside of a linux-container in ProxmoxVE, using a fully automated approach.
thanks guys. big help for a complete newb. haven't looked at Linux stuff in over 20 years and I remember zero of it LOL
No problem always happy to help 🙂
Feel free to ping me on anything else related to community-scripts or proxmox, otherwise I may not see it.
You possibly have an unsupported format or exported it incorrectly. @Meierschlumpf do you want this issue on GH to track?
i tried both the pve ssl and the root ssl, and copied the raw certificate data out. whatever i'm doing seems to be crashing Homarr as I have to reload the page and the logs are wiped unfortunately
You can manually delete the certificate from the file system to temporarily fix the error.
how do I go about that? Told you, really basic questions 🤣
Yes I think that's a good idea 👍🏽
I did create the cert on my Mac, so maybe that created a weird formatting issue. I can try again on windows or in a Linux VM once I figure out how to delete this current cert.
You can delete the certificate on the file system. @CrazyWolf13 can help you finding this.
Regarding the actual page crash, can you submit a GitHub issue and we'll look into it. Thanks
Awesome thanks very much
Bug is filed. Thanks again for the assistance today.
uhm to be honest I have no idea where homarr locates certs?
Maybe in one of the following folders:
then it's either still in that path 🙂
Just checked, they are in
or in /opt/homarr/trusted-certificates
Awesome. I’ll do that today at some point. Thanks again for all the help!
so to make it even more odd there is no cert in that location, so the crash is definitetly odd. I'll try on a different system/browser and see if it's reproducible