integrations not working
I'm running running all my apps in docker
They show up in homarr with status 200
but I can't get any of the integrations to work
i tried all possible adresses
neither of them worked
10 Replies
In the logs I only get these errors
WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'qBittorrent' (81589cf1-80b2-48a7-88c8-73eee42cf2a3): RequestError: unable to verify the first certificate
ERROR Failed to request users from Overseerr: TypeError: fetch failed
If your apps show as 200, then the ip:port combo is set correctly.
What you might be missing or have done wrong is the integration tab?
I'm very certain that the information I entered in the intergration tab is correct. Is there anything else I could be missing?
the jellyfin icon in the bottom right corner is red despite jellyfin showing status 200

Same issue with qbittorrent and all the other apps

none of them work

Are you using https instead of http?
It’s weird that nothing is working. What IPs did you try ? Should be something like 192.168.1.XX:2000 or 17.14.XX.XX (docker-network IP)
Is homarr in the same docker compose network as your other containers ?
All container are in the same network. I tried 192.168.X.X:port and containername:port but currently I've setup a domain to access them over https with a letsencrypt certificate.
If you use https, you need valid ssl certificates. This error:
Says you aren't. I think you should only use http but if you want to continue with https instead you need to validate your certificates properly.