Homarr•16mo ago

Unable to change homepage logo

When trying to set a new logo for Homarr, any image or directory I've tried has the same result of showing "Homarr Logo" at the top right of the page. I've tried everything form clearing all data in browsers, different devices, browsers, file directories, file formats, image compression and encoding, file permissions, and everything else I can think of, but I can't get an image to display.
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This issue should be fixed with release v0.14.1 ! If not, please open up a ticket in #💬・get-help
Release v0.14.1 Stability improvement and bug fixes · ajnart/homarr
Your issues should be resolved! During the last release, we didn't spend enough time to test on different hardware configurations to ensure that v0.14.0 would work on the majority of people'...
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17 Replies
Thomas•16mo ago
@BitNotFound can you try to ask @kapa.ai in #💬・ask-kapa ?
BitNotFoundOP•16mo ago
It seems that it may be the same AI thats on the Homarr documentation site, as it gives the same answer that the site-based one gives. Also, I've tried everything that could apply, but none of that works either.
Thomas•16mo ago
what link are you using for the icon ?
BitNotFoundOP•16mo ago
I'm not using a link to an icon, I'm putting the file in the filesystem directly.
Thomas•16mo ago
yeah so what are you using as the link to use the icon ?
Thomas•16mo ago
Even if you mounted the icons folder in /app/public/icons, your custom icons should be accessed by /icons/ directly.
Try to remove /app/public/ from the path @BitNotFound
BitNotFoundOP•16mo ago
I’ll give that a shot. No luck with that either.
nm_nvan•16mo ago
I'm having the same issue. Using: /icons/image-name.png
explosive parrot
explosive parrot•16mo ago
Have you restarted the homarr container since putting the icons in the folder? Homarr needs to be restarted to see new things.
BitNotFoundOP•16mo ago
Yeah, I've tried many MANY times.
nm_nvan•16mo ago
I have tried restarting too. None of my custom icons work, which I see is a problem for others too.
explosive parrot
explosive parrot•16mo ago
For custom icons (selecting from a list) homarr has been adding a leading "." Since the last update, manually removing the . should get the icon working again For example "./icons/myicon.svg" to "/icons/myicon.svg"
explosive parrot
explosive parrot•16mo ago
default icons pathing change · Issue #1578 · ajnart/homarr
Environment Docker Version 0.14.0 Describe the problem When using icons stored in /app/public/icons, the new update has changed the naming convention to automatically add "." before the i...
explosive parrot
explosive parrot•16mo ago
Can you give us a screenshots of your browser log files? @BitNotFound @nm_nvan @BitNotFound is it all custom icons, or just the header? @nm_nvan it would be helpful if you can have a broken header, app, and bookmark icon (or everywhere you've used them) in your log. Your issues also have been resolved with today's 0.14.1 release. If not we'll need some logs to troubleshoot.
Thomas•16mo ago
This issue should be fixed with release v0.14.1 ! If not, please open up a ticket in #💬・get-help
Release v0.14.1 Stability improvement and bug fixes · ajnart/homarr
Your issues should be resolved! During the last release, we didn't spend enough time to test on different hardware configurations to ensure that v0.14.0 would work on the majority of people'...
BitNotFoundOP•16mo ago
Sorry, I’ve been busy! I’ll give it a shot and let you know.

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