Status offline 408, qBittorrent timeout. v0.12.1 docker
Just span up a docker container as I would like to replace my Homer dashboard. A lot easier to configure, that's for sure!
Have had trouble with qBittorrent and Status on all of the current apps I have added. Decided to ask for help before adding others.
version: '3' services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /portainer/Files/AppData/Config/homarr/configs:/app/data/configs - /portainer/Files/AppData/Config/homarr/icons:/app/public/icons - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ports: - 7575:7575 environment: EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD: ${Password}Homarr Docker Log (reoccurring):
ERROR Error communicating with your download client 'qBittorrent' (17be0909-7020-478e-b0b4-6fb6690710a2): TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting 'request' for 5000ms WARN 1 download clients failed. Please check your configuration and the above log-CSRF is disabled in qBittorrent -Clicking on the homarr dashboard link to qBittorrent takes me to it -Running a Curl on a different PC on my network to any of my services returns a 200 OK. -I have disabled "Block Common Exploits" on my Nginx Proxy Manager "Homarr" object -Yes, I'm using Monica's logo for my home server to make it cuter for my wife even though I don't use it Any help is appreciated.

25 Replies
Hi, Homarr can't connect to your qBittorrent.
Ensure that your container (not other devices on your network) has access to it 🙂
My qBittorrent runs on, where as my homarr runs on How would I go about checking to see if my homarr container can access qBittorrent?
You need to open the console of Homarr's container.
Then, do a wget to qBittorrent
ahhhh. It's pinging my public IP address.
Instead of routing through my pihole internally
that runs my internal DNS. I'm assuming this is a docker issue I need to sort out, not a Homarr issue then?
Yes, a Docker issue then, although that we know that Homarr's sometimes has issues with DNS.
It could be, that it might act a bit strange sometimes
On the other hand, if I was to set the "Internal IP" on the dashboard object, would this work?
where the Internal IP would be IP:Port?
Yes, internal IP is used for direct communication. Your Web client will use the external

This is how I've set it up, but I'm getting the same Timeout in Docker logs
and status is still red
Well, have you tried to wget the local IP?
yeah, works fine
From inside the container?
I'm thinking it's a PiHole issue
Still a timeout?
Yeah, still timeout unfortunately.
No, since you use a IPv4
I could never get Homer's pings to work either
In that case, I have no idea again 😕
Opened the index.html locally and it showed the qBittorrent login page

Yes, but that's from your host, isn't it?
This is not from your container

From the homarr container over portainer
Hmm okay
Oop, may have just taken a bit to refresh, but I now have status on qBittorrent and Jellyseer
If it still doesn't work, maybe this post will help you:
No torrents found - qBittorrent · Issue #435 · ajnart/homarr
Environment Docker Version v0.10.0 Describe the problem I can't seem to find the logs to know why it's not working. I checked the documentation if there are configurations for the Torrent M...
My issue, once I had the local IP's in....was to press the exit and save button
Thanks heaps for the help, couldn't have got through it without someone who actually knows what they're doing and isn't an idiot like me!