16 Replies
was working fine, reinstalled windows and is asking me to login again
forever checking pw
Is there anything in your server logs?
@paradox try as an icognito window

I am copying the pasword from my saved vault
which has never changed
Have you set the password as env variable?

strange. I changed it, and I accessed it without having a login prompt

Really ? That’s strange
Even after restating ?
I 'changed' it to the password Ithought it was using
it must have had to cookie saved
Just double check that it asks you for it in private browsing
it does
I think I rolled back from the latest dev build at some point
ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest i'm using
what's the beta one?
yeah I figured it out, just it wasn't loading cause of that db issue
because I was on dev then went back and now trying to dev again