Homarr5mo ago


is there a way to make it check for little longer cause i have quite a bit it needs to load, and refreshing the page has gotten quite slow these past few days, not sure why if its an update or something that has made it slow but when i refresh after its done loading not all the things get to load fully and they either say ECONNRESET or TIME OUT and i have to press edit for it to quickly load and turn green or refresh the page again and hope it loads faster this time, which usually it don't do
78 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot5mo ago
Thank you for submitting a support request. Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See https://homarr.dev/docs/community/faq#how-do-i-open-the-console--log) - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
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Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
Serenaphic5mo ago
It's possible you have 1 app timing out and causing slowdowns on all of them. Check that all your apps are up. You can also disable pings, since they are sequential and not parallel this is usually what causes most problems. This will be resolved in V1 so this is only a temporary solution
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i am very new to all of this server stuff, can you help me maybe figure out what is causing the slowdown?
Serenaphic5mo ago
Well, I kind of explained it all there but I'll try to reformulate. Homarr works by requesting data from all your apps one after the other. When first loading the page, it'll make all the requests before loading anything. If one of them gets stuck, everything gets stuck. Usually this happens to users that have enabled the pings function, but it may also happen on normal use.
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
so if i disable pings it will load normally?
Serenaphic5mo ago
If it does get stuck on one app, it usually means that it's not running anymore, and thus waiting for it's timeout.
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
hmm but acording to portainer all of them should be running
Serenaphic5mo ago
The root cause is most likely one app not responding, but disabling pings temporarily will significantly improve performance until you've fixed the unerlying condition
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
there is just no way for me to figure out what the issue actually is as i barely know how to use linux
Serenaphic5mo ago
Sometimes it is just a network issue. You can try to isolate by removing the apps one by one until it load normally, then you'll know which one causes a problem. (Important, make a backup first)
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
does shutting them down in portainer work? or do i have to like fully remove them from homarr so it doesnt even try and load them in the first place
Serenaphic5mo ago
No that would only cause further issue. Remove them from your board until it loads normally. Just make a backup first
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
okay wild theory, im using a terminal emulator called warp to help me while learning linux CLI, it has great AI things that help learn it, i just closed the window and stuff seems to load faster now, not instantly but little faster, you think it was taking up so much CPU that it slowed down everything else?
Serenaphic5mo ago
That is a possibility, type htop in your linux CLI, it'll tell you how much your resources are being used I'm curious though, what hardware are you running that it can be slowed this easily? Usually even Raspberry Pi 4 can still run without issue
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
like my normal cpu usage is about 10% and with it open it jumps to around 40%, mind you its not a "suuuper strong server" its a mini pc pretty much only used for media server and adguard home i used a raspberry pi 4 before i got this, this should be quite a lot faster than it
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
No description
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i mean yes disabling pings did help the leading a bit, but still slower than it was a few days ago even when i had pings on... which is what i find weird, and i havent really touched it since so im not sure why suddenly its slow
Serenaphic5mo ago
What version of homarr are you running? And could give us your logs? Maybe I can find the problem there
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
yes, can you point to me where i find this information
Serenaphic5mo ago
!qa required_data
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot5mo ago
Thank you for your question. Our support team has noted that your request does not meet the minimum required data so we are unable to answer your question. Please provide: - your Homarr logs - your setup configuration (eg. docker compose, docker run, helm chart, screenshot, ...) - A detailed description of your problem or question with additional images where necessary - Your operating system - Version of Homarr (do not say latest! say 0.15.2, ...) Failure to comply with this will result in a permanent closure of your support request.
Serenaphic5mo ago
bummer, I thought the guide was in there There's a guide in this message
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
ℹ Local icons repository directory exists and contains 0 icons ERRO...
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Serenaphic5mo ago
Can you share the full logs? This parts still highlights the ping errors (which you said you disabled)
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
well i reenabled them cause i didn't see a huge difference
Serenaphic5mo ago
Also, I think I saw a little something, it may be that overseerr could be the one causing issue Full logs that show what is happening after disabling pings would be nice then.
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
oh interesting, how come? do i have too many requests and loading all them slows it? cause that was actually one of my thoughts
Serenaphic5mo ago
In the small logs snippet you gave, it's the only one that gave an error that isn't from the pings
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
which would make sense when i didnt see a huge difference, from disabling it, only thing that has changed over the days is my amount of requests on overseerr
Serenaphic5mo ago
ERROR Unexpected response: connect ECONNREFUSED
ERROR Failed to request data from Overseerr: TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR Ping timed out for app with id '9bcb1522-e0c4-4dd8-9a93-711db185b7b0' in config 'default' -> url:
ERROR Unexpected response: connect ECONNREFUSED
ERROR Unexpected response: connect ECONNREFUSED
ERROR Failed to request data from Overseerr: TypeError: fetch failed
ERROR Ping timed out for app with id '9bcb1522-e0c4-4dd8-9a93-711db185b7b0' in config 'default' -> url:
ERROR Unexpected response: connect ECONNREFUSED
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
so maybe?
Serenaphic5mo ago
you can try and remove the overseerr app from your board, see what happens
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
no, removed overseerr and the widgets that use it fully and still portainer got ECONNRESET
Serenaphic5mo ago
Well then, disable pings and get those full logs
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
these were the only logs i could find
Serenaphic5mo ago
I assume you did docker logs homarr? You should not be limited to 56 lines of logs unless your CLI is. You mentionned portainer earlier, maybe you could get logs through that?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i got them through portainer and yea it didnt give me more than that
Serenaphic5mo ago
Oh, then have you tried through the CLI like the FAQ suggested?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
let me try that see that was a whole lot more
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
cinnamon@Linux:~$ docker container logs homarrExporting hostname......
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_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i put it into disable ping and i added back the stuff i took away, and strangely that seemed to help it load faster, i dont know if that is tempoary or not, maybe the logs will shine a loght through
Serenaphic5mo ago
Well, I'm guessing this has to do with this repeating error that keeps on poping up but there's no identifying codes linked to it ERROR Unexpected response: read ECONNRESET
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
yea i keep seeing that as well, but i have no idea what it means
Serenaphic5mo ago
Actually, it looks like your homarr is incapable of communicating with anything
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
well, it clearly can, since pings work when turned on and stuff and like i can also talk with some of the services i have on another machine i.e my pc where i have qbit and some of the arr stack
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
like this
No description
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
so it definitely can communicate
Serenaphic5mo ago
Actually, from your last restart of homarr, I can see that 2 services in particular are still timing out., which I assume is possibly a qbittorrent instance, and, not quite sure which this one is but maybe a reverse proxy ?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
have i done any horrifyingly bad in my compose file?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
services: homarr: container_name: homarr image: ghcr.io/ajna...
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_Shaey_OP5mo ago
no 8080 is vaultwarden (a password manager) and 9443 is portainer
Serenaphic5mo ago
interesting, try removing those?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
and those are also the two apps i have had slowdowns with
Serenaphic5mo ago
Vaultwarden might be unhappy being pinged given the security nature of it, and your portainer runs on https and there might be some crossing security issue
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
well right now after removing some of them and putting them back in has actually sort of worked weirdly? like when i refresh the like weather thing and a couple other things which took a while to load load much faster now, could just be the fact that i have disabled pings, but still well i cant access portainer other than over https?
Serenaphic5mo ago
Usually it safe to say that anything that appears in your logs is what your homarr is having struggle with. if it's 1 or 2 apps, then it's usually a configuration or communication issue with said apps. If it's all your apps then it's most likely a homarr config issue
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
and also vaultwarden has to be to even allow me to login or it will tell me to do it over https which then led me down a rabbithole getting a domain and stuff to make it work
Serenaphic5mo ago
Oh wait <- You said 8080 is vaultwarden right? Vaultwarden only accepts https too
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
yes externally, not internally externally i have it setup with a domain
Serenaphic5mo ago
Are you sure, I remember when I was setting it up myself that I couldn't do without https at all. Even locally. Had to buy the domain just for it too
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
when i try and login locally using 8080 it tells me that it needs to be https to even log me in
Serenaphic5mo ago
Yes that's what I'm saying
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
No description
Serenaphic5mo ago
So you've missconfigured vaultwarden on your dashboard <- see how you've set http instead of https?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i thought that internal had to be http
Serenaphic5mo ago
No. And if you did, why did you set portainer as https then?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i dont know... that is one of the things i still dont understand the difference between http and https i know https is more secure but thats all i know what do i use as a port then? still 8080? cause if i try and login with it just leads to "this site cant probide a secure connection"
Serenaphic5mo ago
Just put your domain then
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
on internal as well?
Serenaphic5mo ago
The difference between internal and external for homarr is that internal is the link Homarr will use, and external is the link that you as a user will use so you can set the domain on the internal without issue
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
oh, then why have a difference if they lead to the same
Serenaphic5mo ago
Because using the domain may sometimes cause delays since it makes you go through the internet. It's prefereable to use IP's when you can to get data faster So, I would suggest to use IP's only if your app links to a widget, otherwise, just use the normal domain
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
hmm okay, i cant claim i fully understand it, but for now it seems to work okay even with pings on, if it starts being really funky and weird again ill turn pings off and see if that helps, but what did you mean by it will be resolved in v1.0? will it then no longer hang if one app is slow?
Serenaphic5mo ago
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
i see! and thank you for your help!
Serenaphic5mo ago
No problem
akro5mo ago
Side note: your overseerr config uses /path/to/appdata/config:/app/config on line 26 of the pastebin. Is that not causing you errors?
_Shaey_OP5mo ago
strangely not, as it has just created those folders, but thank you for notifying me about it xD i will 100% change that

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