Can't connect anymore
I use firefox, and i can connect to my homarr instance.
I want to switch on brave, and when i use the same password, it say " wrong password "
I tried to change it on firefox (since i'm still connected) and i still can't connect. any idea ?
12 Replies
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i just reset my password, still the same
homarr reset-password -u Seb
Now i can't connect on firefox nor brave ..
info user Seb was not found
How all my users aren't found lol
I know i ain't tripping because I use protonpass to register all my users and passwords
I also fix homarr fix-usernames just in case
Hmm interesting, when you run the fix-usernames did it fix them? Like what is the output of it?
What happens if you would try to sign in with lowercase seb? Does that one work? Are the protonpass values outdated?
3- Still the same error in logs - not working - not gonna lie, i'm using the same password everywhere when it's localhost.
But I still automatically add them to protonpass, so I couldn't be wrong.
Also, I tried to reset them
homarr reset-password -u seb
but nothing worked.
Oh this wasn't outputting the names, sorry I thought it would
By the way, even more interesting

Hmm okay that one is really interesting, let me check some things
Oh, actually the logic we currently have to fix usernames is only able to fix usernames that are already lowercase 😂
I've created a pull request:
Sorry for the inconvenience, it will be available either on the
image tag once merged or on the latest
tag on fridays eveningGitHub
fix(cli): fix-usernames command only fixes lowercase usernames by M...
Thank you for your contribution. Please ensure that your pull request meets the following pull request:
Builds without warnings or errors (pnpm build, autofix with pnpm format:fix)
Pull ...
I'll wait till friday so ^^ thanks :)
but even so, i'm resetting the password for Seb - The current password was for Seb
How was it lost out of nowhere ?
Because even if fix usernames didn't work
I still have " Seb " as my user and i'm suppose to have a new password
We only search for lowercase usernames in the database 😅
ah .. lol
@Meierschlumpfworked in dev branch, thanks i'll go back in stable in friday once you push the update. Thanks for your help and assistance