Changes not saving
I set homarr up months ago and it works fine, but I have recently created spun up some new apps (4k Sonarr and Notifiarr) that I want to add. I am able to enter editing mode, create the apps, exit and save, and I can enter and exit the edit mode all I want just fine, but the minute I refresh the page, all created items disappear.
29 Replies
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- Version of Homarr (do not say latest! say 0.15.2, ...)
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Smells like a permissions issue to me, but we need more info.
Permissions issue or, check that your default.json isn't putting things in categories that don't exist.
(Sometimes having multiple pages of homarr opened can mess with config saving, be careful about that)
- Having trouble pulling logs, the command "docker container logs homarr" does not pull them, I'll have to tinker.
- docker running on ubuntu running on esxi
- Problem exactly as described, no error messages to capture, and changes made, icons added or removed will revert if the page is refreshed
- Docker on Ubuntu
- 15.3
Using owner/admin account
permission issue with your folders, not the account in homarr
none of my other docker containers have issues saving changes, but I ran sudo chmod -R 777 /filepath/ and restarted the container, no change in behavior
Well, we'll have to wait for the logs then
for some reason the command on the homarr documentation looks at port 80, which is not the one I use
ERROR Unexpected response: connect EHOSTUNREACH
Are you following this?
correct, I've tried by docker name and ID, both return not found but I think that's because it is defaulting to port 80
Are you executing those commands from the machine hosting homarr?
terminal on the ubuntu machine running the dockers, yes
then if you are on the same machine, what has the port to do with anything?
Have you followed the recommended tutorial linked in the docs?
if you can't access the container at all, there's also the possibility it's not running and you've only been using the cached page of homarr
The error when running the log command specifies that port, but it is not a port present in my setup, hence why I was looking at that as a possible issue
"ERROR Unexpected response: connect EHOSTUNREACH"
Per my compose port setting is 3000:7575
I do believe it's running as I can make changes to the default dashboard (the undeletable one), but not to my main dashboard that I created some while back that is set as default to my user
the documentation on geekflare leads me to the json in the /var/lib path, but I cannot directly open that folder with the file explorer, and nanoing into the file shows a pretty bare text that doesn't offer much info

What do you get if you run
docker exec -it homarr ls -l data
(if homarr is the name of your container, if not replace it)total 112
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Nov 14 2023 configs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 92723 May 8 14:09 crowdin-report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13095 May 8 14:09 default.json
That's the logs
if the last line is that one, it means that literally no events happened since it was last started (Except for the init)
Also as a side note, that's the port you set for homarr as a service, to access the webpage, not the container itself
I see, and I did notice that time stamp so it's safe to assume the log command isn't updating the file
Yes, timestamp is from les than 20 minutes ago, you have restarted it
Have you tried saving the config since to see if any errors appear?
So it was still showing the same behavior, I went to capture a picture of both boards, but didnt want my name in there so I changed the board name to "Main" and hit set as default, decided to test again, and it decided to start working
Perhaps the board was stuck and renaming it cleared it? I'm not sure
Retesting and it's holding now, thanks for your time guys
It's possible something was weird with your default.json and renaming it fixed it. I'd still maybe check that you don't have a bunch of orphaned entries.
But glad it's working.
how would I check something like that?
In your data folder open the default.json file and look to see if you have doubles of anything. Each category and board has a unique ID so anything that has a location that doesn't match up with one of those IDs would be orphaned.
is this data folder the one in my config folder? like where I direct compose to use as a volume?