I have a password set, lets say its MyPassword. If i type anything in the field is says successful and logs me in to edit mode or disables edit mode. I assume this isn't expected, but I could be doing something wrong?
13 Replies
Manicraft10012y ago
@tagaishi do you have time to confirm this?
Serenaphic2y ago
In a little
donniecakesOP2y ago
also, kind of related, kind of not... The Notepad section can be edited whether its in disable mode or not.
Serenaphic2y ago
The notepad edit mode is not linked to the dashboard edit mode. It is the intended way but the notebook widget is still very new and up to evolve with user feedback
donniecakesOP2y ago
@tagaishi thanks, that makes sense. So my "personal" use case is I use this as a dashboard for my plex users. They can go to my dashboard and get to Overseerr and read my notes (plex faq etc). but I don't want them to be able to configure or tweak anything. Since the dashboard is external facing, I need to be able to lock it down in my personal use case.
Serenaphic2y ago
Alright, I don't use docker so I don't know yet if I have done it right. One thing I can confirm is that if you don't set a password, this is the behaviour you would get. This leads me to believe 2 things, there is a possibility you haven't set the environment variable correctly to which the app will default to not using it, or it is indeed broken. Before going further, can you confirm how you are setting the environment variable? (BTW this button should not appear if you haven't set the env properly)
donniecakesOP2y ago
EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD is set to my password (letters and numbers only currently). I used the default variable options provided in the Homarr docker. No matter what I type it will say “success…” and let me do the next step. Happy to switch to a dev build if you need me to troubleshoot fixes with you.
Serenaphic2y ago
Like I said I don't know much about docker. What I am asking is where are you setting the EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD. From what I could gather, there are multiple places where it could potentially be set but I couldn't find much info on where that is for homarr. As I've seen, if you use docker compose, it'll could be in a different place. It could go into the command that starts the docker container. Could be directly in the dockerfile. From what I can see, there's a problem anyway. If the variable hasn't been set correctly or not at all, it should not be possible to toggle edit mode anyway Alright I have confirmed it, I made the env var PASSWORD work, and yet the EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD doesn't. You can make a github issue about it
Serenaphic2y ago
Nvm I created the Issue already and reported my findings. You can follow up on this here: https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/issues/1286 and leave any comment you might find worth noting
Disable/Enable edit mode · Issue #1286 · ajnart/homarr
Environment Docker Version 0.13.2 Describe the problem The "Disable/Enable edit mode" button state it requires the environment variable named "EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD". It then state...
Thomas2y ago
yeah that's not intended behavior aha. If disable edit mode is on you shouldn't be able to edit the notes either lol. I told @manicraft1001 to implement it but I guess we both forgot about it
Manicraft10012y ago
I already implemented a fix and PR is pending But it will get resolved anyway as soon as we merge auth. We should be able to merge quite soon actually
Thomas2y ago
donniecakesOP2y ago
thanks all of you, cant wait to test out the changes

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