Homarr2y ago

Usenet widget (for sabnzb) showing error

I am new to Homarr so please bear with me. Trying to add a Usenet widget and getting the error as per pic. What I did so far: Add app for SABNzb - entered my details inc api key. That app works - ie it takes me to the web page for my sab when I click it. Then added widget and selected Usenet (maybe this is the wrong widget to select?) I then receive the error message (as per pic) on the Widget. My key questions are: 1. Is the usenet widget the correct widget for the sab information 2. if so, any idea why Im getting this error message - and how can I resolve it 3. If not, what should I be using Many thanks
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OK - this has been resolved - changed the address details in the sab app from my proxy address (eg sabnzb.mydomain.com) to local IP address (eg 192.168.X.XXX)
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17 Replies
Manicraft10012y ago
Hi, thanks for your post @K18LDP . 1. Yes, the Usenet widget is the correct widget for Sab. 2. You're getting this error, because Homarr is unable to reach your Sab. This is usually due to network restrictions or the docker container not allowing any traffic to that host. It doesn't mean that Homarr can reach Sab when your client can - Homarr runs from a different place. You can shell into the container and use ping, wget, curl and other tools to debug. You can also try to set Homarr to host network mode, although that doesn't work for everyone.
K18LDPOP2y ago
Thanks so much for your response... I'm not quite sure where to start with troubleshooting - but let me have a go and I'll come back if I get stuck along the way 🙂
K18LDP2y ago
OK - this has been resolved - changed the address details in the sab app from my proxy address (eg sabnzb.mydomain.com) to local IP address (eg 192.168.X.XXX)
K18LDPOP2y ago
Think the issue was with the NPM I have running being in a different 'network' in docker
Thomas2y ago
Glad to hear it got fixed ! Weird way to phrase the question but you didn’t see in the docs that the “local address” is supposed to be IPs most of the time ?
K18LDPOP2y ago
Thomas2y ago
I think we mention it when we talk about the terms used when creating an app, also when hovering the field it should be specified. — it’s understandable you didn’t think about it lol I’m just curious if it was there and you skipped it or not
K18LDPOP2y ago
I was trying to do this while I'm supposed to be at work - lol So rushed it without reading the docs properly
Thomas2y ago
Alright thanks for being honest 😉 On another note @Manicraft1001 maybe we should do some kind of mermaid diagram that shows how homarr is supposed to interact with your containers directly (by using IPs instead of URLs whenever possible) in order to bypass any kind of authentication and reduce delays. I think it might not be clear to everyone
K18LDPOP2y ago
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K18LDPOP2y ago
This is what I saw lol - so for me that was interpreted to mean that I can use my proxy address Also this:
K18LDPOP2y ago
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Thomas2y ago
🤔 @Tag didn’t we add some kind of info indicator on the internal address ? I kind of forgot
Thomas2y ago
https://homarr.dev/docs/introduction/terminology#internal-url @K18LDP maybe we should reference that, it would be better
K18LDPOP2y ago
TBH I still would have messed up - because I use the proxy for internal use only 😃 to stop getting SSL cert error messages FYI this is the setup
K18LDPOP2y ago
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Serenaphic2y ago
I did, the PR was auto closed because of the auth branch merge x) I'll reopen it

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