How can I disable the edit mode?
I want to disable edit mode. But I couldn't find the password part. Thanks for help.
5 Replies
please read through the existing questions here and our documentation before asking a new question.
This has already been asked quite a few times.
This should do the job:
🐳 Docker Configuration | Homarr Docs
Homarr offers a Docker Container, which can be run on any compatible system, such as Unraid, Kubernetes and many more systems! Our Docker container is based on the
node:16-alpine image and serves per standard on the port 7575
.There's also this (currently undocumented) variable:
Edit mode password modal by ajnart · Pull Request #748 · ajnart/hom...
This PR adds a button in the top right menu to toggle edit mode on and off. A new env variable EDIT_MODE_PASSWORD is required in order to be able to enable/disable edit mode, a modal sh...
@walkx can you maybe add this do the documentation?
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