Can't get integrations working.
Can't get Plex or AdGuard integration working. AdGuard just keeps spinning and plex never shows anything. I already connected directly to the docker container and confirmed it can reach both URLs

12 Replies
hi! for Plex follow these steps, maybe they will be helpful to you.
-Add Plex App to Homarr
-Internal IP: http://localip:32400/ - DON"T USE "HTTPS"
-External IP: (Get by going to Plex using your local IP above and then login, click on Movies-Tab and copy the Link)
-Token: Click on "Movies" and then put your mouse on top of the movie and you will see 3 dots, click on it and then click on Get Info, click on "View XML" the Token should be at the end of the link "Token=XXXXXXXXX" copy only the XXXX into Homarr and that should make it work! :D. Hope this helps someone
followed these instructions, still plex icon is red
do you have your Plex on a different computer than your Homarr?
No. Same server
oh okay, weird... if

Can you access Plex by just typing the IP in your browser?
yup thats how it looks

I am hosting Homarr from my NAS and Plex from my Windows Computer, I had to allow my NAS IP into my Plex server to allow it to communicate
and also Settings/Network/ Secure connections / Preferred
Preferred network interface I selected my IP
yup thats also setup as preferred
okay, that's all I did for my Plex
I will DM you
one min
sorry was in the middle of a gamer
i added the subnet mask for my local network, still won't connect.
can I see in homarr what error it's getting? that would help me troubleshoot more