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All posts for Lurkr Support
Switch from Arcane to Lurkr
Roles don't added when leveling
Problem with importing Polaris leaderboard
I found a crash with the bot
Pings in level up messages not working
404 page error
No level up messages
Create export not working anymore
I can't export my data.
When trying to configure Lurkr using dashboard, An error 404 shows when I am the owner of the server
Level calculator on website seems broken
Typo in /predict command description
Can anyone help me with fixing this?
What Permission does /importxp Require?
Getting 404 error when saving changes in the dashboard
404 page?????
Cleaning out the Leaderboard?
Cannot import levels and role data from Polaris
I can't access the dashboard.
Level Roles
Level message
Time to gain experience
How to reset level
Role Parameter
Me ayudan
XP custom cooldown
Bot removes reward role
leveling calculator
background rank image not showing
All roles deleted upon re-entry
In need of Support
How do I make a level card when a user levels up?
Can't use Dashboard for my server.
help me please
Lurkr announcing role with level up message
Lurkr removing onboarding roles
Need to setup a channel for members to check their levels
Exp not being gained
Level support
Level up.
Role Mention Cooldown only working for one role at a time
no one is receiving xp/ the bot doesn't give the level up message
Question regarding multipliers hierarchy
Reset everyones level
Role bug
The Application did not respond.
Server Moderators having the power to Add Levels
Adding role rewards
People started getting double roles
(BUG) Multiple Roles for One Multiplier Doesn't Save Properly
(bug) Removing unrelated roles [RESOLVED]
(BUG) Cookies Popup Crashes Dashboard
Unable to import levels and roles from Polaris
syncrolerewards not working, why?
Import dont work
(BUG) Issue with multipliers limit
is there an alternative for the / commands *bot commands*
It doesn't seem to work?
Constantly receiving level up messages for the same level, not receiving XP
Level up message not being sent
How can I do send a specific message only when a member reaches a specific level?
Failed to request image. Make sure the image has a maximum size of 5 MB and try again.
Roles are NOT being assigned automatically..
How to I assign roles to people automatically if I setup roles after people have gained many level
general questions about Lurkr
User avatar in level up message
how do I delete an old lurkr integration role?
Not being able to save changes on multipliers tab
Unable To Import levels from Polaris
Reset XP for members
How to enable multiple blacklists/whitelist channels at once?
"Failed to save settings. There is likely an issue with your configuration." on Leveling Tab
How to enable storage of member count data
Command permissions
Unable to import levels from MEE6
Can't access dashboard
Level up message factor not showing/saving on the dashboard
can i change how often i get xp when i send messages
The leaderboard for {{botName}} is private. Make sure it is public and try again.
Lurkr stopped
clone importing?
"You've reached the maximum number of multipliers." even though I haven't
Importing unsupported server
How do i increase the amount of xp needed to level up?
Bot could not find any of the roles provided when setting Leveling Role Rewards
XP add command causing member's level role to downgrade?
Changing command Prefix
possible to upload images to rank profile cards? or have the corresponding role icon appear there?
Why won’t Automatically Reseting Levels save for me?
Role Rewards on leaderboard are sorted alphabetically instead of numerically per level
I cant access my server's dashboard
Not all users receiving experience
Role Mention cooldown doesn't seem to be working
DO lvl roles only get added after being added to dashboard?
Error when saving Level Up Message Embed settings
Can I decrease someone's xp gaining rate?
Leaderboard pages not accessible ?
Importing bot level data
Debug levelup message
Where is the dashboard?
How does Channel Multipliers work with threads
Can you earn exp on stage channels?
An unknown error occurred. Please, try again later.
Website style issues
Lurkr bot mee6 levels transfer
all commands visible to everyone?
"Vote" messages fail to show emojis
How to remove from statistics a user who has left the server?
how do i change how fast someone can level up
role problem
Setting /Colour Hex Code
A way to test output of level up commands?
Not all levels transferred over
Automation Integration
Issue with message sent for configuring level multiplayer
Specific reward role keep getting removed
Everybody has Level 1 role despite being higher than level 1
Levels importing from unsupported bot
Level rewards not updating after mee6 import
Bot sent lvl up message twice
A way to divide (?) (rebalance?) xp for all server members after changing global multiplier
Why cant i reset my levels?
Can't log into dashboard
mee6 level transfer problems
Need help with the leveling system
Can you add another command?
Roles aren't reapplied upon return
What is the math formula for calculating Applied boost to level
Can I earn Extra XP for longer text sent?
Level roles
Importing leveling data export into lurkr
member entering/leaving option not working.
Is there anyway to use RSS to connect Discord bots with Lurkr?
Lurkr removing roles given by other bots on join
Cannot create leveling role reward for levels over 100 on beta dashboard
XP Gain Time
can't import levels from atlas
“Failed to save”
Can't add more level roles even though I've not reached the limit
level reward roles changing
Role multipliers stuck at 2 roles
Beta Cannot Save Multiplier Changes
Save Settings button placement
Wonky XP problems
Premium Transfer
Leveling setting priority issue
The first bug of the new dashboard
giving xp to multiple users at once?
/rank issues[SOLVED]
Rank card background
Dashboard is broken.[SOLVED]
is there a way to see more than 100 people on leaderboard
roles not given on xp add
Roles disappearing on the dashboard.
Members not gaining experience
How to enable member count data storage
I can't remove a person from my leaderboard
The Web isn't loading ?
Hello, is the bot shareable with the Spanish language?
remove bonus xp
How do i change the bot prefix?
Questions about leveling
Role Reward Announcement
Levels stop at level 10
Daily Top Leveling Role
Custom Level up Msg
How to remove previously assigned Role Rewards after changing the roles
Daily Top XP role isnt being given
How to add a channel to level up??
stacking lvls xp
Importing leveling data from Amari only importing the first 50 members
Roles disappearing on the levels dashboard
Can't View roles
I can’t kick the bot
No XP being gained
does the xp boosts stack up?
is it possible to delete everyone level on a server to a certain amount?
What’s the average level can you reach in 3 days if you were averagely active in a server?
the lurkr role just dissapeared and the doesn't want to give roles for lvl and it won't post
xp wont gain and roles wont assign
Sometimes unnecessary messages appear on the Rank Card
Leveling multipliers showing duplicated roles in the web leaderboard
Leveling question: Leveling Role Hierarchy/Multiplier Value Priority
Keeping the bot from removing level reward roles
User assignable roles
Lurkr is deleting messages
Importing just doesn't work.
auto roles not showing
I'm having issues telling if a leveling function is actually disabled.
will milestone rewards be removed with rolestacking off?
Automatically Controlled Member Milestones question
Only one role levels up
Level Leaderboard: Multiplier Showing Duplicates
Lurkr removing Roles
syncrolescommand not working
Automatic add XP
Leveling Formula
Forum Channel seemingly not rewarding any XP
bot not assigning reward roles
Hiw do I remove these from the leaderboard?
Internal server error
Bug: Bot announced the same level twice
Can't earn exp in forum channel
Keep each Leveling role
XP multiplayer
How do i enable leveling system
help, how do i enable the levelling module
Cannot change the leveling announcement channel on the dashboard
Dashboard glitch
@role in lvl up announcement.
Cannot change the leveling announcement channel on the dashboard
server boosting
Membergraph shows decimals
How to set specefic announcements for Xp rewards?
Saving changes still doesn't work
leveling issue
Lurkr not removing auto-role given rank 1 when the leveled rank 2 is applied.
xp cooldown
Bug experience multiplier
Received an unexpected response from MEE6.
Role mention cooldown is not working properly
Unable to Save
Graph broken again
Role of the day
roles not being given to appropriate levels and daily top level
set up guild configuration
Dashboard: Unable to Save
How can I import an exported Lurkr file to other server
Member graph error
New channel not showing up on dashboard
Other languages support
Role Reward not being assigned - Inaccessible role
How to add xp/levels to a member
You need to enable the storage of member count data in the guild config.
bot kinda works
Slash commands not showing up for users
Levels are resetting when users talk
Leveling channel but no level up messages.
Bot isn't showing up in Integrations
membergraph is off by 22 days
Unable to add channel to xp multiplier
Dashboard bugged (?)
Rank command shows incorrect rank
Rank number in rank card is off by one
Lurkr xp with Crue discord bot doable?
Sending the level up message on a specific channel
Make it like mee6
bot wont acknowledge a role
How many Leveling Role Rewards can you have for free?
Amari Levels wont Import
my website is not working
Auto Badge Roles doesn't have the Active Developer badge
Roles aren't added when level is reached
How to see the level of a user
Purge command is broken
How can i import XP into Lurkr Bot with XP-bot?
XP Boost with Lurkr
Levels randomly unsync
I have just set everything up after transferring my servers' mee6 level data into Lurkr...
How do I reset someone's level if they left the server?
syncrolerewards stopped worked for most users
"failed to save"
importing mee6 exp into lurkr with 10k members
Syncing role rewards
Levels don't save if person leaves then rejoins server?
xp gaining time
Leveling system
Users not able to gain XP in some channels
I made a role to give to the daily most active member on dashboard, but it didn't give
Cannot get in the website
Can I import levels from Arcane?
Add xp issue
how do i turn off 20% leveling boost for voting?
level up message channel
Issue with importing level from Atlas to Lurkr
I don't understand Multipliers.
A member suddenly gained levels even though no one gave them xp
EXP Problem
Leveling Question
/syncrolerewards for everyone?
No Banner?
Xp multiplier issue
Leveling Disabling Auto-Remove
role for # of messages
XP / leveling suddenly stop working
how does xp get counted
I don't know if you get XP from all Multipliers and if you get XP per Message.
info on XP thresholds for levelling
Banner for Server-Wide Rank
Bot suddenly doesn't show me any roles form the dashboard
Is there a way to automatically assign roles based on leaderboard position?
Global vs Channel vs Role
Auto-Role Multiplier
Bot won’t register commands
XP Earning
Category Based Management
Quick question
Arcane to Lurkr
level up messages not working
Quick question
Leveling announcement not working
Transferring XP
Dashboard does not see new channels
Inaccessible leveling role reward roles
XP from invites
Restricting Bot Commands to a Certain Channel
Stuck Leveling Roles System
Leaderboard website link not workig
/xp and /level bug.
import from mee6
disabling commands
Global multiplier for Atlas
Lurkr not updating roles
The xp no working ?
Role Rewards not being assigned
Question about importing levels
Cannot view bot commands
How do experience multipliers work? Which multiplier is higher?
Prefix change
Bot doesn't seem to function
can i change the color of all text on the rank card?
Daily top leveling
Failed to retrieve guilds
How do I use an server emoji in the level up message?
hide multipliers
Failed to retrieve leveling information. Try again later
Lurkr Isn't giving xp to most members
Server database migration
Reward announcements
Disable High Role Reward Removal
How do I enable "storage of member count data" ?
Bot not giving xp
How to remove members from Pepe manager's leaderboard?
Is there any way to prevent someone with a certain role from using /syncrolerewards cmd?
Leveling Issues
Cannot choose level 1 for Leveling Role Rewards on the Dashboard
Users not getting xp
XP from VC use
Manually importing MEE6 levels
Bot don’t assign roles
Leveling XP Gain Management
Leveling system issues
Can i transfer giveawayboat levels to this one?
Embed Level Up message
Cannot set the Milestones Interval to <100
Just general questions
Leveling Announcement Levels not being respected
is there a way to change it back to Pepe manager
Failed to save with milestone interval set to value <100
Do I need to switch?
How would I migrate exp from one server to another?
Does importing mee6's levels wipe the mee6 data
How can I sync the roles to the XP?
the xp stystem is broke
How does the xp system works
Long names on the rank card can overlap the rank XP
Refreshing the milestone?
Bot cannot find any of the roles provided
Level announcements
Pepe Manager doesn’t give users their reward.
Levelling Up doesn't work even if it's already turned on
After lvl reset server wide no one can gains
xp gain per message/time interval
Resetting all of the levels
Couldn't setup level up message / channel
How can I refresh the bot so the leaderboard has all the updated names and profile pictures?
Settings tab doesn't exist?
Leaderboard Site
remove member that left from leaderboard
XP not being awarded to a specific user
Auto role levels not working
Exporting Level from the bpt into a file
How do I make it so a certain channel won't let you gain xp?
Leveling keeps removing roles
Disallow users from running commands in certain channels
Overlapping username on rank card
Disable leaderboard website
Clarifying question about the multiplier hierarchy
Interact with bot with API
Issue importing mee6 levels
Levelling Reset
issues with setting up levelling
Leveling not working
Dashboard - Leveling Multiplier in forum channels
Copying Pepe Manager levels from one server to another
Slash commands are not displayed.
girl im so done w this bot
Is there any way to remove this text?
How to remove the No Leveling Roles
Auto role removes roles
The bot is not giving out xp
Math behind Leveling Multipliers
xp is extremely different from mee6 xp even though we imported xp and set the xp multiplier
issue setting up new server.
How can i export the leveling leaderboard or how do I import a leaderboard from a different server
My members do not receive level roles.
Import Mee6 XP Failed
Error import mee6 xp
It won’t let me use the purge command
Bug xp level
Arcane Level Support
Leveling Leaderboard Vanity not saving
the bot doesn't give the reward roles
The level up message - not working
Amari Level Import?
reset levels
How to sync level role rewards to everyone in the server?
XP bar color not showing up when using rank.
Daily Top XP Role
Change bot profile picture
How much XP is gained per message?
Gaining XP suddenly stopped working
Levelling up has suddenly stopped
Purge command not working.
Help with resetting the level of someone
Accent color setting
Role and channel specific xp
When I click on the save button it always fail to save
Hello, I need help. For some reason it's showing my bot as offline.
The level goes up very fast
Automagically blacklist or whitelist?
Removing Levels of People who left the server.
Accent color reset
Force Auto-Apply Leveling Roles
Auto Moderation messages count towards users xp
Top Leveling role not being assigned
Example Support Post