How to I assign roles to people automatically if I setup roles after people have gained many level

I have just setup Lurkr level roles but most of the members have some amount of xp that I imported from MEE6, how would I automatically assign level roles to people who already have a level
If they level up normally no it does it automatically, if you just imported from mee6 then yes it might be necessary
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4 Replies
EasyThreads6mo ago
:NighthawkInteractionError: BEFORE YOU ASK FOR SUPPORT :NighthawkInteractionError: 1️⃣ • Use the panel in ⁠#🆘-help-me to check if your problem is a common issue! Use the buttons to select your problem and the bot will automatically respond with a message only you can see! 2️⃣ • Check the documentation at and either use the guides found at the top of the navigation panel, or use the search tool to look for a specific thing you need to do! 3️⃣ • Use the commands /config check and /config troubleshoot to get a better idea what issue you're having! ❓ • Still stuck? Ask your question in as much detail as possible to help other people understand what your problem is and help you fix it quickly! ❗• This server uses Answer Overflow to index content on the web. By posting in this channel your messages will be indexed on the web to help others find answers. 🔗 •
CmdData6mo ago
If you mean when someone who is level 5 is going to get the level 5 role reward the answer is you can manually sync them using the command /syncrolerewards for each person, or they will automatically be synchronized when they level up or gain XP
ɢяєєᴅOP6mo ago
Yeah I mean like if someone's exp is on lvl 10 and if I wanted to assign them role of lvl 10, I'd just have to do /syncrolerewards?
CmdData6mo ago
If they level up normally no it does it automatically, if you just imported from mee6 then yes it might be necessary

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