Quick question
So if i set
lid role
to dont want to level but i still want people who have the accepted rules role to be able to level
do i need to get the accepted rules role above the lid role ? so lid people will gain levels when having the accepted rule role?15 Replies
Not sure what exactly you mean
Role 1 is what i have set to not level up but role 2 i set up but they still have role 1 the one i blocked will it level up still?
No if someone has Role 1 regardless of other roles they won't be able to level up
Damn i thought that worked bcs the role is higher up in role list
Although that is possible with piggy bot why not with this bot though?
We're not piggy
Then i request it as a feature simpele as that
How i did say almost nothing and i already leveld up?

<:icon_levelup:1086286977118261318> @foxrazu has reached level 3
And why are levels not tied to server only
They are?
The speed of the leveling can be changed with a global multiplier
What should i set the multiplier to? I want them to nog gain fast level like happend there
Please read the documentation for that