Clarifying question about the multiplier hierarchy

I read through the docs but either I missed it or my question wasn't addressed there, if I were to set a global multiplier of x0.5 and then have a channel multiplier of x0.1 which multiplier is gonna be used? From my understanding the global multiplier will be used since its bigger, however if that's correct is there a way to change that, I want it to work like an override where certain channels give less xp
3 Replies
Almeida3y ago
Actually, both multipliers will be applied, check thid post for more info #Math behind Leveling Multipliers Specifically
Oh gotcha, thats a bit confusing but I get it now, thanks for clearing that up Also another quick question (I tried looking in the docs but couldn't find anything about it), how is the xp for each message calculated? Is it just a randomized number for each message or does it have anything to do with the length of the message or if it has actual words or not?
Almeida3y ago
Random number between 15 and 40

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