Leveling channel but no level up messages.
Hey guys i have imported my data and when people level up they get the ranks but the bot does not signal them leveling up in the server, how can i fix this issue, there is not a place in the help section for it.

34 Replies
I have the same issue
I managed to fix it
Do you have a level up message location set up?

Can you run
/config troubleshoot

Also no one has gotten the Daily Top Leveling Role
That only gets given out daily at 0:00 UTC
Can you run
/config check

thats alot of Xs
You don't have any leveling channels selected
doesnt correspond with the Dashboard
Leveling Channels are different. Scroll down to leveling channels in the dashboard
you just said the same thing twice
"Adding Leveling Channels
You can now add specific channels that users can gain XP in. The channels you setup will be by default blacklisted channels, meaning that they are the only ones that are excluded from being able to gain XP.
However, as we will explain shortly you can very easily change that within moments. For now, use the /config set command to add as many channels as you want!
You can enter as many channels as your current server plan will allow. You can check the limits on the Patreon Perks page!"
I dont care about this
I want it to say when someone levels up
Ok well unless you setup leveling channels nobody will level up at all
"The channels you setup will be by default blacklisted channels, meaning that they are the only ones that are excluded from being able to gain XP. "
yes, meaning the leveling channels. Provided you set them up.
But if I put channels in there they wont gain xp?
by default, nobody can gain xp anywhere
so I have manually put in 100+ channels?
you either have to add some leveling channels, or set the mode of it to blacklist
so for every channel to be gaining xp it should be on "Use Blacklist"?
whitelist with no channels => no one can gain xp (this is the default)
blacklist with no channels => everyone can gain xp everywhere
if it says "Use Blacklist", that means its set to whitelist
can you show the leveling channels section of the dashboard

thats correct
thats what it was always on
hopefully starts working soon
yeah my bad, the default is actually the other way around
so by default, everybody can gain xp anywhere
It worked once

Still not working
whats your server id
this is so very unclear from the dashboard and the docs :sadBoi:
soon that will no longer be an issue